Hello, loves :]
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with you all. My plans for a hopeful set by August did not pan out. Mostly due to my own lack of initiative and still being too uncomfortable with myself to let it all out. But alas, maybe by winter's end I will be a nicely toned lady for y'all. Not trying to be a waif or anything, just want to get it all right and tight and such before I start thinking Im hot shit. You know how it goes. BUT ANYWAY.
Did I mention that I'm falling in love with my manager at work? I might have in the previous post. And how I risk LOSING said dream job by initiating anything with him.
Well, it wouldn't be so goddamn hard to resist if he wasn't absolutely everything I love about boys. I know that just sounds like me being a silly little girl and having some big puppy-love crush on this kid, but honestly. He's absolutely wonderful. He's so shy and bashful around girls it's almost painful. From the conversations we've had about single-ness and boys and girls and their bad attitudes, I know he's got a good heart. He often throws in how another guy we work with is always telling him he needs to 'get laid' to which he usually responds "I dont need to go around banging every girl I look at. That's just not the way I think. I...I can't do that." HRNNNGGGGGG. SHOW ME ANOTHER MAN WHO DOES NOT WORK IN CLOSE PROXIMITY WITH ME THAT HAS THIS SAME THOUGHT PATTERN. BECAUSE I WANT TO MEET HIM AND POTENTIALLY SETTLE INTO A RELATIVELY DOMESTICATED RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM.
We like some of the same bands, we have the same sort of twisted sense of humor (but he's funnier than I am, I'm just hopelessly awkward and nerdy), the bands we disagree on we playfully put down to the other, and we just generally get along far too well. If I can't have him as a boyfriend I at least want him to be a good friend. I fucking need that. But the other day he came in and was kindof just surly and sad-looking when I came in. I signed in and he immediately starts with IM SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE I'VE BEEN ALONE FOR LIKE FOUR HOURS. AND I COULDN'T TALK TO (store manager) WHEN SHE WAS HERE BECAUSE IT FELT WEIRD. And he proceeded to vent about school sucking, and how his dad made him feel like shit the night before during dinner when he told him to 'get a girlfriend' to occupy the large amount of free time he had. We had a long discussion about how stupid it was to put this huge weight on having a 'significant other' and hotly abused our un-single friends who never call us anymore.
Also, previously to that dinner he had with his family, he'd been out shopping with his mother. I'm telling you, this kid's fucking adorable.
Overall, I am falling into the same friendship category I always do. But this time I dont even care because the boy in question is so wonderful it doesn't matter if our relationship is platonic or not, I just like him. Like him enough to make a new friend. I havent done that since high school.
Sorry I haven't been keeping up with you all. My plans for a hopeful set by August did not pan out. Mostly due to my own lack of initiative and still being too uncomfortable with myself to let it all out. But alas, maybe by winter's end I will be a nicely toned lady for y'all. Not trying to be a waif or anything, just want to get it all right and tight and such before I start thinking Im hot shit. You know how it goes. BUT ANYWAY.
Did I mention that I'm falling in love with my manager at work? I might have in the previous post. And how I risk LOSING said dream job by initiating anything with him.
Well, it wouldn't be so goddamn hard to resist if he wasn't absolutely everything I love about boys. I know that just sounds like me being a silly little girl and having some big puppy-love crush on this kid, but honestly. He's absolutely wonderful. He's so shy and bashful around girls it's almost painful. From the conversations we've had about single-ness and boys and girls and their bad attitudes, I know he's got a good heart. He often throws in how another guy we work with is always telling him he needs to 'get laid' to which he usually responds "I dont need to go around banging every girl I look at. That's just not the way I think. I...I can't do that." HRNNNGGGGGG. SHOW ME ANOTHER MAN WHO DOES NOT WORK IN CLOSE PROXIMITY WITH ME THAT HAS THIS SAME THOUGHT PATTERN. BECAUSE I WANT TO MEET HIM AND POTENTIALLY SETTLE INTO A RELATIVELY DOMESTICATED RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM.
We like some of the same bands, we have the same sort of twisted sense of humor (but he's funnier than I am, I'm just hopelessly awkward and nerdy), the bands we disagree on we playfully put down to the other, and we just generally get along far too well. If I can't have him as a boyfriend I at least want him to be a good friend. I fucking need that. But the other day he came in and was kindof just surly and sad-looking when I came in. I signed in and he immediately starts with IM SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE I'VE BEEN ALONE FOR LIKE FOUR HOURS. AND I COULDN'T TALK TO (store manager) WHEN SHE WAS HERE BECAUSE IT FELT WEIRD. And he proceeded to vent about school sucking, and how his dad made him feel like shit the night before during dinner when he told him to 'get a girlfriend' to occupy the large amount of free time he had. We had a long discussion about how stupid it was to put this huge weight on having a 'significant other' and hotly abused our un-single friends who never call us anymore.
Also, previously to that dinner he had with his family, he'd been out shopping with his mother. I'm telling you, this kid's fucking adorable.
Overall, I am falling into the same friendship category I always do. But this time I dont even care because the boy in question is so wonderful it doesn't matter if our relationship is platonic or not, I just like him. Like him enough to make a new friend. I havent done that since high school.

Sounds like a real catch, if only that whole job thing didn't get in the way.
I love your eyes.
Mine tend to be blue most of the time, but sometimes they turn green in the right light.
ps - I like your freckles too.