
there's only two things in this world that I reserve my feelings of hatred for.

1) waiting
2) being formally evaluated

what am i doing right now?? waiting to be formally evaluated.

double fuck. I'm calling you back right now!
so, how'd the formal evaluation go?

ok, ok

so, the disbelief reaction of tuesday was the proper one. Turns out the apllication evaluator made a mistake and thinks I haven't completed the courses that I have completed. Waiting now to hear more about it. :crosses fingers:

eeek eeek

UC Davis just denied my application. I sit in utter disbelief.

I jumped through every single hoop. I danced every dance. I even dotted all the i's.

I would be angry, but I'm not. I'm sad.

mad update: 1:40:

ok here's the anger. I am litterally shaking with rage.

confused update: 9:28:

now i'm just confused
frown frown frown frown

thank the powers that be. i need another weekend. this time around I am planning to take it easy.

I have a project for my engineering class to build a bridge made only of plastic drinking straws and glue. I have put a lot of hours into research and design testing...now it's time to get to thing manufactured.

have a good weekend people
I was watching this show on Discovery Channel called amazing engineering of something like that, it's incredible. Engineering is seriously amazing.
happy friday!

yeah, I *just* saw wonderland... pretty crazy. esp. the 14 inch weener part- yikes! I would run so fast the other way if I saw a 14 inch weener coming towards me!!

almost done with week 10
stay tuned for a summary of what I learned since jan 4.
That's ok, it was last night anyhoo...

Skid plate... usually 1/4" steel plate that attaches the bottom of your car to protect your oilpan and stuff. a lot of cars come with a flimsy plastic one that doesn't really do you any good.
well, you know, blow jobs are always good for getting points! wink
is it only wednesday?

well.. I got a C on my last math midterm...and I am royally pissed at myself....and the instructor. Who the fuck do these people think they are??

I swear they are bitter and must take out their frustration on the students.

remind me never to be a teacher. I would then have to hate myself.

Remind me never to go to college...
what? a C? did you go talk to the professor about it? mad mad

sorry to hear it. I will now have to go so that I can go kick some ass for you.
how many midterms can one fit into a single quarter??

I'll tell ya...10. and that is NOT including quizes and finals. for crizzle's sake!

on a better note: I will have an associates in science in physics by the end of next quarter. smile finally a little pay off

translation: I now know way more than I should about physics and how our universe works. I...
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better you than me! i mean, i don't think i could even do it! good luck, it'll all be over before you know it!

aaaaaahhh. got my party on saturday night. What a relief from all the hecticicity of last week. and I am feeling surprisingly good today, even after having almost been killed on the freeway this morning by an unatentive BITCH! i see where road-rage comes from. If I could have reached her I would have slapped her good.

Alas, I am still alive and will be...
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eigenwha?? ... exactly

they get even more fucked up when they are non-real eigenvalues.

e to the i pi.
tell eigen I said hi.

you coming down for the 19th?
that would be radical...wait.
you live here!

so, I'll see you there, eh?
Had lunch with ratgirl thursday. It's always a pleasure to hang out with good friends. and mmmm, we had sushi.

hope I get to see her again soon.

and, oh, what a nice relaxing weekend.
Yeah, I got to see her too, we had breakfast today. It's always nice hanging with RG.

aaaaand, I finally finished getting my car registered, what a hassle. I'm just glad it passed the final inspection at the DMV... I've got tint on the front windows so I rolled them down before the inspector came out biggrin dunno if that was necessary (sp?) but I didn't want to take the chance.

Do you have a skid plate on yours yet?
blush shucks, I feel so loved!

turns out, I'll be up for the day on monday to cut hair! do you have school?
aaaaaahhhhh :stretch:, :yawn:

i guess I needed 11 hours of sleep.

thursday was tough: 7 am to 10 pm, school, 10pm to 1 am, study

friday: 7 am, study, 9 am midterm, 10-11 study, 11 midterm.

i was feeling totally underprepaired for both tests, but i guess there must have been some magic in the air, cause the teachers asked the right questions.

damn i feel good today. I think this workout kick has finally started to make a difference. now, if I can just get rid of this little belly, I'd be damn sexy....er... i mean, even more damn sexy than I already am smile
I lurve working out. It feels soooo good. Are you just going to the gym or do run or what?
working out keeps me sane (I guess its not doing too good a job though...)