This ain't your grandpa's blog,I wrote as a philosophy paper to see if I could raise some eye brows get the last bits of conservative out of me;reader's discretion's advised.
Separation, division, classification all words meant people, places and things apart from each other. We use them as reference to give meaning upon objects as well as people. Of how theyre different from us and how its wrong or why we like it if for those reasons. We give it a use in a organization, such as sorting clothes or color coordinating files at the workplace for efficiency. Efficiency in itself separation items as well as procedures the work go faster and easier (in theory). In speaking these texts, we must ask is there a line? If so when do to cross it? Or should we even cross it?
These questions when asked of people weather as individuals or groups are taken apart. The word for which we use is segregation, George Wallace once said Segregation then! Segregation now! Segregation forever! declaring it to be the model for society and economic growth. Others such as Martin Luther King and Abby Hoffman proclaimed only through equality can mankind truly prosper and be free. It seems though with specialty programming, customizing and the demographic, due we truly heed the words of King and Hoffman or are we a reflection of Wallace?
To answer this question we look to nature. An ideal example is the ant colony. They gather food, expand their living space and reproduce, in a word survival their goal is to survive. To specify this point further if set of black ants comes across some red ones in the process of gathering food, seeing this as a threat the ants will attack. Once theres a victor the food will be gathered and sent back to the colony in order to sustain their inhabitants. This shows that ants will go to great lengths protect the well being and to expand the dominance the colony at any expense even attacking their fellow ants. This is an extreme (but very common) example of how segregation works in the everyday world but segregation works in more suttle ways segregation works in our society.
Advertising is segregations best friend, it divides individuals to the last molecule and plays on nerves. Advertisers work endlessly to figure out what a person(s) finds appealing or whatll trigger them to purchase a product or service as well as its quantity. One example of segregation in advertising is with children, ads targeted to children have bright colors along with various loud noises and quirky cartoon characters designed to hypnotize the young one to buy the presented or into antagonizing an adult to purchase it for them. Since adults today have become such dishrags they give in, also the products are so harmful to the young it seems capitalists have targeted these poor souls for destruction. Another aspect of this consumer segregation lies in an old add with model Cindy Crawford shaving singer K.D. Lange, the lesbian sheik as it was called hinting that all homosexuals have money and are well to do or rappers sponsoring Hennessey hinting that those who listen to rap music or all blacks drink (examples of stereotyping another byproduct of segregation).
Segregations biggest and most obvious form lies in race. Jim Crow laws in the south, quotas for schools and workplaces in the north and recently the minutemen (a anti illegal alien group) are all fine examples segregation and its injustices to mankind. Yet segregation also has cultural roots, here in Chicago many groups live in neighborhoods with names like Ravenswood, Wicker Park, Beverly, Logan Square, Palmer Square, Hyde Park and Englewood each with own history and predominate ethnic group. This segregation though can be seen as racial (which has a great deal to do with), in actuality deals with preference its not that I dont like you I just dont want to live near you, rather I prefer to be with my own.
Separation, division, classification all words meant people, places and things apart from each other. We use them as reference to give meaning upon objects as well as people. Of how theyre different from us and how its wrong or why we like it if for those reasons. We give it a use in a organization, such as sorting clothes or color coordinating files at the workplace for efficiency. Efficiency in itself separation items as well as procedures the work go faster and easier (in theory). In speaking these texts, we must ask is there a line? If so when do to cross it? Or should we even cross it?
These questions when asked of people weather as individuals or groups are taken apart. The word for which we use is segregation, George Wallace once said Segregation then! Segregation now! Segregation forever! declaring it to be the model for society and economic growth. Others such as Martin Luther King and Abby Hoffman proclaimed only through equality can mankind truly prosper and be free. It seems though with specialty programming, customizing and the demographic, due we truly heed the words of King and Hoffman or are we a reflection of Wallace?
To answer this question we look to nature. An ideal example is the ant colony. They gather food, expand their living space and reproduce, in a word survival their goal is to survive. To specify this point further if set of black ants comes across some red ones in the process of gathering food, seeing this as a threat the ants will attack. Once theres a victor the food will be gathered and sent back to the colony in order to sustain their inhabitants. This shows that ants will go to great lengths protect the well being and to expand the dominance the colony at any expense even attacking their fellow ants. This is an extreme (but very common) example of how segregation works in the everyday world but segregation works in more suttle ways segregation works in our society.
Advertising is segregations best friend, it divides individuals to the last molecule and plays on nerves. Advertisers work endlessly to figure out what a person(s) finds appealing or whatll trigger them to purchase a product or service as well as its quantity. One example of segregation in advertising is with children, ads targeted to children have bright colors along with various loud noises and quirky cartoon characters designed to hypnotize the young one to buy the presented or into antagonizing an adult to purchase it for them. Since adults today have become such dishrags they give in, also the products are so harmful to the young it seems capitalists have targeted these poor souls for destruction. Another aspect of this consumer segregation lies in an old add with model Cindy Crawford shaving singer K.D. Lange, the lesbian sheik as it was called hinting that all homosexuals have money and are well to do or rappers sponsoring Hennessey hinting that those who listen to rap music or all blacks drink (examples of stereotyping another byproduct of segregation).
Segregations biggest and most obvious form lies in race. Jim Crow laws in the south, quotas for schools and workplaces in the north and recently the minutemen (a anti illegal alien group) are all fine examples segregation and its injustices to mankind. Yet segregation also has cultural roots, here in Chicago many groups live in neighborhoods with names like Ravenswood, Wicker Park, Beverly, Logan Square, Palmer Square, Hyde Park and Englewood each with own history and predominate ethnic group. This segregation though can be seen as racial (which has a great deal to do with), in actuality deals with preference its not that I dont like you I just dont want to live near you, rather I prefer to be with my own.