Woo-hoo! I'm back. I couldn't get on this site, I don't know if my membership ran out or I was putting in the wrong password or what.
If it expired that means someone renewed me. If that is the case, thank-you & please reveal yourself!!!
I had a nice weekend. I went to the dirt mall Sunday. Spent $7 total and got a retractable magnet that's pretty fuckiing strong. It's for reaching stuff that falls under, between or behind junk. I like. Also, I got a kick ass X-acto knive set, complete with magnetized carrying case. [I just noticed the
<-- back button on my keyboard is gone, Hmmm???] A 10pk of knock-off Sharpies, made by "Hangbad" instead of Bandag. What else.....a book "Borderline Oddities for the Millions" bought from an interesting man who was telling me about a hole to hell in Siberia. He reminded me of Leo from 'That 70's Show' (Tommy Chong).
I'll have to go back this weekend when I have more time to check out all his stuff.
There was also a knife I wanted to get. A real stiletto. You click the button and a blade shoots out the end of it. How bad ass is that? If I got 5 of them, I could put them on a pair of gloves or something & when I hit the button, blades would come out of my fingers. It's illegal to have them, but I figured if I get caught w/ it, I'll say "I didn't know". That line actually works, more so if you're a girl. It's gotten me out of a jam before, a potentially huge one.
I'm in a strangely happy mood. Excited, happy, anticipating something good. I don't know what it is or what it could be though. It's almost like the feeling you get the day before you leave for vacation. Or when you hear the person you have a crush on will be at the same place and you'll get to see them.
I gotta go before the internet sucks me in.
If it expired that means someone renewed me. If that is the case, thank-you & please reveal yourself!!!
I had a nice weekend. I went to the dirt mall Sunday. Spent $7 total and got a retractable magnet that's pretty fuckiing strong. It's for reaching stuff that falls under, between or behind junk. I like. Also, I got a kick ass X-acto knive set, complete with magnetized carrying case. [I just noticed the
<-- back button on my keyboard is gone, Hmmm???] A 10pk of knock-off Sharpies, made by "Hangbad" instead of Bandag. What else.....a book "Borderline Oddities for the Millions" bought from an interesting man who was telling me about a hole to hell in Siberia. He reminded me of Leo from 'That 70's Show' (Tommy Chong).
I'll have to go back this weekend when I have more time to check out all his stuff.
There was also a knife I wanted to get. A real stiletto. You click the button and a blade shoots out the end of it. How bad ass is that? If I got 5 of them, I could put them on a pair of gloves or something & when I hit the button, blades would come out of my fingers. It's illegal to have them, but I figured if I get caught w/ it, I'll say "I didn't know". That line actually works, more so if you're a girl. It's gotten me out of a jam before, a potentially huge one.
I'm in a strangely happy mood. Excited, happy, anticipating something good. I don't know what it is or what it could be though. It's almost like the feeling you get the day before you leave for vacation. Or when you hear the person you have a crush on will be at the same place and you'll get to see them.
I gotta go before the internet sucks me in.
however knockoffs and cheap shit make me happy.