I think I have a trojan horse in my computer. I think I know who put it there. I think he must think I'm stupid, and I hate when people insult my intelligience like that. That just hurts.
I am so sick of lame-ass shitheads. This AM, I only had 6% of free space left. I've gotten it up to 26%. This is going to be a pain in the ass.
Hey, thanks a lot, you fuck-tard loser.
I am so sick of lame-ass shitheads. This AM, I only had 6% of free space left. I've gotten it up to 26%. This is going to be a pain in the ass.
Hey, thanks a lot, you fuck-tard loser.

In any case, downloading spyware blockers/finders just won't fix the problem now. Trashing your HD or buying a new one is not the answer. You should back up your favorite files and pictures, reformat the drive and don't let the fuck tard near it again.
Thats my opinion anyway.