OK. So, here's what I'm thinking....... I think I'm going to enter in an ameteur night contest at a strip club. It's far enough away no one I know should be stopping in.
HoLY crap, I just smelled burning plastic. I turn around and.....get this: My roommate has a plastic welder in the living room, and is welding the plastic side piece of one of his motorcycles.
There's like furniture and stuff in here and it's flammable. Good thing for renter's insurance. what a fucking kook. DAMN!
Anyway. So yeah,
me=ametuer booty shaker for a night
Maybe I'll win some cay-shhh

Anyway. So yeah,
me=ametuer booty shaker for a night
Maybe I'll win some cay-shhh
I'll have time to get a few friends together to boost my confidence and make me laugh.
I am listening to a compilation CD I burned over the weekend. I always burn mix CD's and a lot of times listen to them later and think, "what was I thinking, these songs don't go together". This CD, is on POINT!!! It makes me want to smile, get movin, go out, have sex, make out with my friend cuz she looks so fucking hot right now, squeeze her tits, then squeeze my own, drink martini's, pick flowers, write, chill, shower, jerk off, etc.
Now that, is an all-purpose, can't go wrong CD. *BIP*
I think I will take a shower.
This song is awesome too - Sisters of Mercy