I just saw that my Vienna set with Denie has the most comments in MR of the last 3 months...I'll gladly see it vanish from MR of course
Right on its heels, my set with Mandalay, it went over 1000 comments today *grouphug* It has quite a bit of opposition but I consider that to be a good thing
Since there is no rest for the wicked, there's more to come - I uploaded Sixxer's set, working on sets with Lisa and Tie now. Here a couple of samples from Sixxer's set....you'll see it in something like two months lol (hopeful q)

Right on its heels, my set with Mandalay, it went over 1000 comments today *grouphug* It has quite a bit of opposition but I consider that to be a good thing

i look forward to working with you in the near future