monday morning blaaaarrrgg
i'm waiting for my friend to WAKE THE FUCK UP because i'm starvin' like marvin and i want to go out to breakfast. and my room smells because of the other cat that i'm babysitting for my girlfriend. So now i have two bitchy male cats running around my house yelling at each other. i love my Hefner but he is so pissed off at me for letting this other cat into his space. Micki isn't that bad but he's younger than Hef and he's HUGE
<big micki and i this morning. i was totally bored this morning (oh wait, i absolutely still am) and was taking random pictures with my life a.k.a. cell phone.....
my room is a mess. i apologize.
hope everyone's morning has been a little more exciting than mine!

i'm waiting for my friend to WAKE THE FUCK UP because i'm starvin' like marvin and i want to go out to breakfast. and my room smells because of the other cat that i'm babysitting for my girlfriend. So now i have two bitchy male cats running around my house yelling at each other. i love my Hefner but he is so pissed off at me for letting this other cat into his space. Micki isn't that bad but he's younger than Hef and he's HUGE

hope everyone's morning has been a little more exciting than mine!

I love your expression in the second picture.

just noticed the zebra print in the backround of one of your profile pics. nice touch