Wifi is blocking SG! Lamesauce. With lameflakes.
I'm trying to find an extensions model around LA. Someone whose looking to get free hair extensions so I can add some pictures to my portfolio. You wouldnt think that would be so hard, right? The catch is that the model has to buy their own extension hair, which they can purchase from any source they like. Anyway,...
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I'm trying to find an extensions model around LA. Someone whose looking to get free hair extensions so I can add some pictures to my portfolio. You wouldnt think that would be so hard, right? The catch is that the model has to buy their own extension hair, which they can purchase from any source they like. Anyway,...
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thats crazy i got my extensions in a few weeks ago & still havent put them in.. too bad im so dang far away.. xoxo. good luck beautiful!
i'm alive!
my husband wants me to take down my profile picture, but i can't figure out how to do it.
i ain't gonna lie. i like that he cares about that sort of thing. call me old-fashioned. i never used to be.
my husband wants me to take down my profile picture, but i can't figure out how to do it.
i ain't gonna lie. i like that he cares about that sort of thing. call me old-fashioned. i never used to be.
well now you know youre old-fashioned is not that bad at all no? lol
'bout time you show up!
I'll be sure to avoid 'Art School Confidential' and Richard Tuttle...
Good to hear things are going well.
I'll be sure to avoid 'Art School Confidential' and Richard Tuttle...
Good to hear things are going well.
Sounds like shits tough right now. If you can extracate yourself from this crap in six months time it would probably be worth whatever sacrifices you'd have to make. With in reason of course.
Meditations a good idea. Deep down everyone knows what is best for themselves. Acting on that knowledge is the hard part.
Meditations a good idea. Deep down everyone knows what is best for themselves. Acting on that knowledge is the hard part.
where the hell are you???
eminent domain motherfuckers

look for duplexes ... they are the best in uptown (if that's where you are looking) .... and a little farther south like 40th and lyndale area .... soooo pretty and soooo nice
i miss my 2nd floor HUGE apartment in an old house on fremont by kawolskis ... but i don't miss my ex living there still
i miss my 2nd floor HUGE apartment in an old house on fremont by kawolskis ... but i don't miss my ex living there still

Ugh. I hates the apparentment hunting. I'm house/condo hunting now and that's somehow not quite as bad.
i got my tax refund too .... very happy about it as well ....
and you are not a chub!!!
but i do want to see the new do
and you are not a chub!!!
but i do want to see the new do

Blah blah bitty blah
Ha Ha! You said ragweed!
Sucks about your childhood home...I don't have to worry about that, no one wants to overdevelop in western North Dakota. Documenting the process in photos sounds like a good idea, something more to hold onto.
Sucks about your childhood home...I don't have to worry about that, no one wants to overdevelop in western North Dakota. Documenting the process in photos sounds like a good idea, something more to hold onto.
Confounded double posting.
oh .... i want to see that soooooo badly ..... unfortunately there is no independantly inclined theatre here in sucky las vagas
and i want satan soap! the infernal pact one --- i love cinnamon and cloves .... mmmmmm - breathe in deeply
---- so art school huh ..... drop me an e-mail if you have questions ..... i've been to both an art school and a liberal arts college .... and with my job i have to know a bit about the different art schools in the country.....so if you want to talk to someone about it i would be most happy to help you lovely lady

and i want satan soap! the infernal pact one --- i love cinnamon and cloves .... mmmmmm - breathe in deeply
---- so art school huh ..... drop me an e-mail if you have questions ..... i've been to both an art school and a liberal arts college .... and with my job i have to know a bit about the different art schools in the country.....so if you want to talk to someone about it i would be most happy to help you lovely lady
i wanted to see it..
just what it says!
you are beautiful, so don't let any confounding of social jealousy have anything to do with who you are now. stories of past me are full of most of my friends conversations. it doesn't mean i'm still the person they're making fun of, or still feeling the pride lacking from my person because of it. you are you today. and definitely hotter than you think. damnit.
I thankfully don't remember much of what I did while drunk two years ago. Hmm... booze.... I think I'll go have a shot to celebrate the Badgers stomping the Seawolves. Take that Alaska!