For once I am concentrating on school. What a change. I hope it lasts.
I have plans in the works to move to the city. I want to be closer to school and have a yard for the pups. I wanna get a bicycle and ride around everywhere. I want to not need to belong to a gym cus' I get so much excercise in my daily life.
Question: Is it hard to find a 2-4 bedroom house with yard in SF?
I have plans in the works to move to the city. I want to be closer to school and have a yard for the pups. I wanna get a bicycle and ride around everywhere. I want to not need to belong to a gym cus' I get so much excercise in my daily life.
Question: Is it hard to find a 2-4 bedroom house with yard in SF?
also depending on what part of the city youre going to school..daly city might not be such a bad move if your looking for a house with a lawn and if youre going to sf college ...or any of the arts or fashion design schools downtown..youre pretty much a 15-20 minute bart ride everwhere
What are going to school for? As for the the housing situation...well though I live in Chicago I would imagine that someplace like that would be expensive unless you get roomates or something. But perhaps you'll stumble upon one of those rare finds anyways. Well here's to hoping you have much luck in your endeavor.