here's a true story for ya:
fish was just going through his daily routines of the day, looking for a bite to eat and other such mundane, survival tasks when suddenly there's this juicy looking worm right in him face. yum... suddenly he felt a metal object piercing his cheek and an invisible beam that kept lifting him up to the light. the atmosphere disappeared and he started gasping. everything was so surreal and now fish locked eyes with this strange alien creature. he just couldn't understand what it wanted with him as he was probed and prodded, but even though it felt like a very long time had passed, it was really over a matter of seconds. the metal object was removed and fish felt gravity for the first time ever. splash! ahhhh. i can breathe again- life is back to normal. but when he told the others at school, no one believed that he was, in fact, abducted.
fish was just going through his daily routines of the day, looking for a bite to eat and other such mundane, survival tasks when suddenly there's this juicy looking worm right in him face. yum... suddenly he felt a metal object piercing his cheek and an invisible beam that kept lifting him up to the light. the atmosphere disappeared and he started gasping. everything was so surreal and now fish locked eyes with this strange alien creature. he just couldn't understand what it wanted with him as he was probed and prodded, but even though it felt like a very long time had passed, it was really over a matter of seconds. the metal object was removed and fish felt gravity for the first time ever. splash! ahhhh. i can breathe again- life is back to normal. but when he told the others at school, no one believed that he was, in fact, abducted.
now that has to be the fishiest tale i've ever heard