i love playing good fucking awsome ruccus kickass shows!!!- just played a gig last weeked in Allentown, PA at the Sterling Hotel and this past weekend in Wyoming, PA at I brewed it my way (no bud or coors- only the best!!!!). It makes me want to go on the road more often in a big bad way- Audiophyle kicked ass hard and held world...
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Far out-

the first day of spring was such a nice day i hit the garage to work on the beast (my fucked up, but in pretty decent shape motorcycle). I finally got the gas tank off to see the underbelly - this is gonna take me a long-ass time to rebuild, but imagining the ride is making me giddy with delight- the day i start that...
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I must avoid stabbing myself in the eye trying to learn HTML and XHTML. I will drink beer tonight after I get through another chapter-
Band practice was switched-on last night! I love a good session, but who doesn't? The North Star Bar gig is gonna ROCK! it's gonna be wierd not bumping into my other bandmates on stage
nice to have at least a...
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Band practice was switched-on last night! I love a good session, but who doesn't? The North Star Bar gig is gonna ROCK! it's gonna be wierd not bumping into my other bandmates on stage

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i wish to express how deep of a metal connection I feel with you- sometimes think that I can hear your thoughts,
dirty dirty thoughts
then my wall goes up
i'm shy
the invisible politics that I have to put up with because i don't want to fuck things up-
I just wanted to let you know that a crazy feeling in my body happens...
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dirty dirty thoughts
then my wall goes up
i'm shy
the invisible politics that I have to put up with because i don't want to fuck things up-
I just wanted to let you know that a crazy feeling in my body happens...
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NEW ALBUM OUT!!!!! COG - If you like it BUY IT!!! It's up on iTUNES!!!!
Happy Fucking New Year!!!! Working on many new projects this year - very excited about what is in store for 2007-
,,,I just wish we didn't hang Saddam - that's picking a fight and I'm pissed off enough about this war - is this what the war was started for...
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Happy Fucking New Year!!!! Working on many new projects this year - very excited about what is in store for 2007-
,,,I just wish we didn't hang Saddam - that's picking a fight and I'm pissed off enough about this war - is this what the war was started for...
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New CD coming out soon, new photos coming out soon, new year coming soon and I'm coming.....
2007 is on it's way to being a great year for Audiophyle! Taking risks is the name of the game-
who's ready to take some risks?
2007 is on it's way to being a great year for Audiophyle! Taking risks is the name of the game-
who's ready to take some risks?
I'm good at risk. Show me the door.
Curiosity never hurt this cat.
Curiosity never hurt this cat.

Subjects . . . graduate program at Tyler for painting. I work with mixed media, a lot of found junk. Occassionally I write and make artist books and work with sound and do music/performance.
Abroad? I've spent a month in Italy once. Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, Pompeii. It was nice, as I went solo. I made an artist book for it. One day I'll find a way to go around the world and make a series of books for it.
Tell me about your work with sound and your music.
Its been years since I've done anything on stage.
I'm thinking I'll cook something up for late spring . . . it will involve a big bonfire and some snakes. I think the score will be an ominous industrial drones, experimental sound, meets southern "gothic" accoustic.
Abroad? I've spent a month in Italy once. Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, Pompeii. It was nice, as I went solo. I made an artist book for it. One day I'll find a way to go around the world and make a series of books for it.
Tell me about your work with sound and your music.
Its been years since I've done anything on stage.
I'm thinking I'll cook something up for late spring . . . it will involve a big bonfire and some snakes. I think the score will be an ominous industrial drones, experimental sound, meets southern "gothic" accoustic.

I read an article by Jonathan Hayter in New Zeland about how men that stare at woman's teets have lower blood pressure, lower amounts of stress and live a bit longer because of it.
Ladies- let them stare!!!
Ladies- let them stare!!!

I wonder if my insurance will cover trips to the strip club.
Hi there, by the way.
I'm new to the area. I'm an an artist in grad school. Still, not as cool as a rock and roll chick.
Hi there, by the way.
I'm new to the area. I'm an an artist in grad school. Still, not as cool as a rock and roll chick.

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