life is good. i have a terrible tummy-ache but other than that life is good.
the new boy is cute. things are getting easier, more comfortable. which i am very grateful for, since i was starting to get a bit worried about the awkwardness.
today i was like 'is it weird that i had a huge crush on you in highschool?' and he was like 'no, i knew then, i got used to it. but did you know i had a crush on you too?' i almost punched him. shy people are stupid! obviously myself included. well, he was going out with a dumb cow then anyway.
when i met him downtown today he had a present for me, a pink robot he bought. it was cute.
we took the bus out to sidney by the sea to go to this restaurant that i really hoped was pirate-themed but it was more than a little disappointing. pirate statue, yes, a nautical theme, sure. but i was hoping over the fucking top. wench waitresses. 'the captain' walking around drinking ale and saying yarr. sea shanties being played. skull and crossbone paraphenalia everywhere. i knew i wouldn't get that, sidney is too reserved for that, but in the back of my mind over the years i have dreamed of going there, it was always that rad. haha.
anyway actually going somewhere was pretty good. something to do, even if it was silly and not that exciting.
we stopped at wal-mart on the way home and they had cool bionicles on sale for 2.97$ so i bought two. then we went to his house and i built them and he watched this old movie about graffiti and i played yoshi's island on his gameboy.
and he let me borrow his gameboy advance and it's all pretty and black and it's so cool and on the bus home i was like 'OH GOSH WOW I AM PLAYING A SUPER NINTENDO GAME ON THE BUS!'
haha i am so behind the times.
life is nice.
oh and we fucked and he takes too long to cum and i hate it when a boy is like that because it makes me feel so inadequate.
but things are good anyway.
i like his family but i stayed over on saturday and his mom said to him after 'a little early for sleep overs, isn't it?' haha so that sucks. we can't sleep together for a while cause my bed is too small and his mom is too uptight.
she is super nice though, i love her anyway, and his dad, and the rest of his family. i had so much fun at this family get together. sigh. nice life.
the new boy is cute. things are getting easier, more comfortable. which i am very grateful for, since i was starting to get a bit worried about the awkwardness.
today i was like 'is it weird that i had a huge crush on you in highschool?' and he was like 'no, i knew then, i got used to it. but did you know i had a crush on you too?' i almost punched him. shy people are stupid! obviously myself included. well, he was going out with a dumb cow then anyway.
when i met him downtown today he had a present for me, a pink robot he bought. it was cute.
we took the bus out to sidney by the sea to go to this restaurant that i really hoped was pirate-themed but it was more than a little disappointing. pirate statue, yes, a nautical theme, sure. but i was hoping over the fucking top. wench waitresses. 'the captain' walking around drinking ale and saying yarr. sea shanties being played. skull and crossbone paraphenalia everywhere. i knew i wouldn't get that, sidney is too reserved for that, but in the back of my mind over the years i have dreamed of going there, it was always that rad. haha.
anyway actually going somewhere was pretty good. something to do, even if it was silly and not that exciting.
we stopped at wal-mart on the way home and they had cool bionicles on sale for 2.97$ so i bought two. then we went to his house and i built them and he watched this old movie about graffiti and i played yoshi's island on his gameboy.
and he let me borrow his gameboy advance and it's all pretty and black and it's so cool and on the bus home i was like 'OH GOSH WOW I AM PLAYING A SUPER NINTENDO GAME ON THE BUS!'
haha i am so behind the times.
life is nice.
oh and we fucked and he takes too long to cum and i hate it when a boy is like that because it makes me feel so inadequate.
but things are good anyway.
i like his family but i stayed over on saturday and his mom said to him after 'a little early for sleep overs, isn't it?' haha so that sucks. we can't sleep together for a while cause my bed is too small and his mom is too uptight.
she is super nice though, i love her anyway, and his dad, and the rest of his family. i had so much fun at this family get together. sigh. nice life.

i'm such a nintendo whore...hooray!