hahha holy shit.
the bext thing ever just happened.
this boy i totally loved all throughout grade 12, but was always too scared to talk to... JUST EMAILED ME.
he was randomly reading my journal and he saw his name. haha.
god, this is insane. a year ago he was my DREAM BOY. and now he has emailed me.
that's one way to get over the pain of an ex!
sometimes things work out so nicely like that
the bext thing ever just happened.
this boy i totally loved all throughout grade 12, but was always too scared to talk to... JUST EMAILED ME.
he was randomly reading my journal and he saw his name. haha.
god, this is insane. a year ago he was my DREAM BOY. and now he has emailed me.
that's one way to get over the pain of an ex!
sometimes things work out so nicely like that

ps. keep rocking that nes.
ps2. is fun to play
ps3. you see the game boy advance classic nes edition? pretty sweet deal if ya ask me (which, of course ya didn't)