worst. day. ever.
well not really, but i am just so tired and in a bad mood, and i had to take the stupid 2 hour bus to the ferry and then take the stupid 2 hour ferry, and i am so hungry, and so much shit is going on with me and ryan and i just want to talk to him about it since i haven't seen him in days, but his totally extreme loud in your face sister is here, and i am so run down and angry that small talk is fucking impossible right now, so she thinks i am weird and lame cause i haven't said two words to her and i am just hiding in the bedroom... but i just can't do it. i just really want/need to spend time with ryan talking about things, about us. but i can't for many more days.
i hate today, i wish it would die, and subsequently me die.
well not really, but i am just so tired and in a bad mood, and i had to take the stupid 2 hour bus to the ferry and then take the stupid 2 hour ferry, and i am so hungry, and so much shit is going on with me and ryan and i just want to talk to him about it since i haven't seen him in days, but his totally extreme loud in your face sister is here, and i am so run down and angry that small talk is fucking impossible right now, so she thinks i am weird and lame cause i haven't said two words to her and i am just hiding in the bedroom... but i just can't do it. i just really want/need to spend time with ryan talking about things, about us. but i can't for many more days.
i hate today, i wish it would die, and subsequently me die.

this is a robot