HELLO SG WORLD, it's Wednesday, but who gives a shit. Let's talk about my most recent set, Let's Shake Hands! It just so happens to be on front page after a long and strange disappearance. Sorry to worry you, I had a lot of messages and comments asking where it went to, here is the answer.
My set hit member review I think it was the 9th of September. (Happy October everybody!) Shortly after it's debut, it vanished. It is STILL very confusing to me why it was taken out of MR. Let's Shake Hands was choosen for front page, as well as stripped of some comments. I am flattered and am full of joy it made it to front page! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU AND THE LOVE/ SUPPORT YOU SHOW! It means a great deal to me that I am making someone else smile. With my smile, or with my boobs. It is what it is! HAHA, BUT DON'T FORGET, there are tons of other women with sets in member review all the time! Go show some hopefuls, and other suicide girls the most love they have ever seen!
Now that you know what happened! Go check out Let's Shake Hands if you missed it in MR!

In other news....

His name is Jack! I know this photo sucks, I'm doing this blog with the quickness and am rushing! Teehe I am as of yesterday 22 weeks and getting bigger! My belly still looks like a beer belly, but it's getting to look like I'm pregnant and not just binge drinking! I've been thinking about doing a set through out the pregnancy. Would you be grossed out? 

Along with baby stuff and trying to get my work to give me more hours, I have been doing some promoting for the SuicideGirls Blackheart Burlesque Show! Coming to a city near you
I will be handing out flyers to local business'! ALSO I will be at the House of Blues Chicago for a few shows this month as well as in November! If you feel ballsy, come say hi, I don't bite. <3

TONIGHT I will be chillin' at Bottom Lounge for a few to see my good buddies in Intronaut play! They're touring right now, they really are FUCKING AWESOME! Check them out!
For more updates on this event I call my life, follow me on instagram! At your own risk of course

My set hit member review I think it was the 9th of September. (Happy October everybody!) Shortly after it's debut, it vanished. It is STILL very confusing to me why it was taken out of MR. Let's Shake Hands was choosen for front page, as well as stripped of some comments. I am flattered and am full of joy it made it to front page! ALL BECAUSE OF YOU AND THE LOVE/ SUPPORT YOU SHOW! It means a great deal to me that I am making someone else smile. With my smile, or with my boobs. It is what it is! HAHA, BUT DON'T FORGET, there are tons of other women with sets in member review all the time! Go show some hopefuls, and other suicide girls the most love they have ever seen!
Now that you know what happened! Go check out Let's Shake Hands if you missed it in MR!

In other news....


Along with baby stuff and trying to get my work to give me more hours, I have been doing some promoting for the SuicideGirls Blackheart Burlesque Show! Coming to a city near you

TONIGHT I will be chillin' at Bottom Lounge for a few to see my good buddies in Intronaut play! They're touring right now, they really are FUCKING AWESOME! Check them out!
For more updates on this event I call my life, follow me on instagram! At your own risk of course

I agree, do the pregnancy shoot! Right at nine months. Not all nude sets need to be purely erotic. On the other hand, no where is it written that a pregnant woman cannot also be erotic. Yes!
I hope you know everyday of your life how much I love you! seriously, You and my Little peanut Jack can call or visit any freaking time you please. You own my heart you've known it since day one<3..I'm the baby daddy, i'll take the blame ;)