here we go.... you'll really want to stay until the end!

If you know anything about me, you know I was in love with this cosplay. Super nice guy too, he had a hot lady with him too! OHHHHH
this, was hilarious at the time.
Got touchy with Sawa, it was really great to meet her. Super great personality!
If you don't know, you're soon to find out ;3
California was a good time peeps! I loved having the pleasure of meeting Suicidegirls are around the globe. Some I know call my friends!
I like to be kind of socially weird when I first meet people. I am very awkward in general I feel. It either draws people or makes people want to stay the hell away from me. It's a pretty serious case of the weirds folks. You may not get it xD After it all though, I like nice people in my life. The others, you go live yours.
Maybe I'll make it back to ComicCon and see some similar and maybe not so similar faces. The opportunity itself was FANTASTIC. By the way, sorry to the late update, this was in like July, I just have technology problems like you wouldn't ferkin' believe -.-
Anyways. Down to brass tax peeps. Remember that news I was telling you about? The news that would change a lot of things and call for craziness the next years of my life..........
I am 19 weeks pregnant and find out what I am birthing Sept 13th! Right now all I know is that there is a little sea monkey that likes to do dance moves in my belly.
IT'S SO EXCITING! I don't want to think of names really until I find out the gender, so we can chat more about that later. Everything is hitting me all at once. I was reading an article on breast feeding the other day, and I started laughing. (my immaturity wins sometimes, I can't help it) While I was laughing, I felt some little tiny movements in my tummy! I cried a little because it tickles. I was over joyed to feel that feeling! A lot of you ladies here know what I'm talking about. Any advice is helpful! I still am sick sometimes. Usually in the evenings. Strange but I prefer that over the morning! Which thankfully that is over! Other than the sickness, everything is so beautiful!
Though I don't really go out much looking cute. I find it more amusing and comfortable to wear sweats and tees everywhere. On some serious bum stuff, it's awful. I need a fashion guru.
Soooo, how are you feeling about this blog? I am really exciting typing it! Just a few more things though.
I had my set "Lets Shake Hands" shot by SoBelle go into member review last friday!
All the love makes me so happy you guys enjoy it! A lot of comments on the photography that I have noticed. SO AWESOME! I wouldn't ask for anything else peeps. Y'all are the greatest! Keep commenting, I need you! Other women in member review need you!
ta ta until next time! xxo

If you know anything about me, you know I was in love with this cosplay. Super nice guy too, he had a hot lady with him too! OHHHHH

this, was hilarious at the time.

Got touchy with Sawa, it was really great to meet her. Super great personality!

If you don't know, you're soon to find out ;3
California was a good time peeps! I loved having the pleasure of meeting Suicidegirls are around the globe. Some I know call my friends!
I like to be kind of socially weird when I first meet people. I am very awkward in general I feel. It either draws people or makes people want to stay the hell away from me. It's a pretty serious case of the weirds folks. You may not get it xD After it all though, I like nice people in my life. The others, you go live yours.
Maybe I'll make it back to ComicCon and see some similar and maybe not so similar faces. The opportunity itself was FANTASTIC. By the way, sorry to the late update, this was in like July, I just have technology problems like you wouldn't ferkin' believe -.-
Anyways. Down to brass tax peeps. Remember that news I was telling you about? The news that would change a lot of things and call for craziness the next years of my life..........
I am 19 weeks pregnant and find out what I am birthing Sept 13th! Right now all I know is that there is a little sea monkey that likes to do dance moves in my belly.

Soooo, how are you feeling about this blog? I am really exciting typing it! Just a few more things though.
I had my set "Lets Shake Hands" shot by SoBelle go into member review last friday!

All the love makes me so happy you guys enjoy it! A lot of comments on the photography that I have noticed. SO AWESOME! I wouldn't ask for anything else peeps. Y'all are the greatest! Keep commenting, I need you! Other women in member review need you!

ta ta until next time! xxo
I am so happy for you! Congrats on the little bun!
congrats on the pregnancy. hope you have a happy and healthy bundle of joy