If some of you guys didn't see a few days ago on my little sentence thingy. I was downtown shopping and somebody stole my iPhone 4S right out of my backpack pocket!!!! I WAS PRETTY PISSED THE FUCK OFF. Only because I had a TON of photos and videos on it ); I may have cried a little, I don't remember. All I know is this new phone I am using won't let me really use Vine or Instagram. It seriously runs so slow I can't do anything on it. Can't check SG on my phone internet because it sucks. Can't take photos or videos and post them because it sucks. I AM SO BUTT HURT OVER THIS!!!!! You guys who do follow me on Vine and IG know I like to post a lot of random shit. Now that I can't I think my A.D.D. is more powerful then ever.....I mess with my hair a lot, have to refrain from biting my nails. Which I know is disgusting, but we're all friends here. I don't bite them, I end up just peeling them off. It may also have something to do with a little bit of anxiety....
For some reason, as of lately. I have this strange feeling that when I'm sleeping or doing anything that I am going to get killed. Especially when I'm alone in the dark. I sound like the largest pussy on the planet right now, but again I do not give a shit. Because I really feel this way! I am really on my toes about everything! I even sleep with a giant blade under my pillow sometimes.....this isn't okay guys. I know. I'll get over it I'm sure. But serouslllyyyyyy I don't know what the fuck is going on with me lately. I am a smoker, but when I'm stoned watching Disney movies and random shit like that, I'm not paranoid at all. So it can't be the weed. Never blame the weed. Or I would never blame the weed at least. Teehe.
Now that I'm done with my rant about my phone and paranoia.... here is life. In words because I lost all my photos and videos and my new photo will also hardly load the camera. Geez, my technology life is so sad. Feel free to laugh and be amused at my misfortunes. At least you guys will have a smile on your face! I mean, I'm all smiles don't get me wrong but dang y'all. Waohh is me.
Before I go getting distracted and shit. My California trip is only a WEEK away! I will be in some of you guys hood from Juy 12th-24th. LA July 12th-18th. San Diego for COMICCON July 19th-21st, probably stay the extra days until I have to fly back to Chicago out of LAX. I hate flying, but this trip is going to be amazing! I am really looking forward to seeing ladies I have met, and to meet other lovely SuicideGirls! I don't get to chat with anybody on IG anymore, but get at me herreeeee! My buddies who play in Intronaut have offered to put me up when I'm in LA. But I also have the option of staying with my aunt over in Burbank, pretty sure that is where she is. Pardon my forgetfulness. It's real bad. Being apart of all of this is going to be suppppperrrrr real. So ready for it.
By the way, shout out to my buddies insignis and sonicsculptor!!! Insignis has a brilliant idea about the drawing one of his good friends did of me.(It's beautiful and I am in love with it) Check out his blog and you will see what I mean! Sonicsculptor, man can you make some awesome hemp jewelry! I can't take the bracelet off! I received the package the day my phone got stolen, too. It made my day! For every bad person there is a good. Might I say you are great! Much love to you guys and everyone who supports this little lady! It means a great deal! I have been going through all the first messages I ever received here on SG, all the way back to November. They brighten my smile! So much sweetness, it drives me nuts. Also so many sexual thoughts, but that's okay! I really don't mind guys. It comes with everything on the site, not like I wasn't prepared for it. Bawahahah you all are sweet, funny, and have quite the imagination. I can also assure all of you, that I exist. I am a real person walking the streets of Chicago. I love those messages, stressing how cool it is that I'm real. I can't stress to you guys how awesome it is that you are real! So keep it real my friends. Real sweet, real funny, real dirty. Either way, it's all in good fun and I enjoy every note from every single one of you!
To brass tax people! My mind is a mine field! Blowing up every which way!
Sooooo if you guys know, Trebble and Dalmasca are a couple of real sweet hearts! Fucking hilarious for one, and for two. NEED TO GO PINK! Like what the hell, it drives me insane! We all had the pleasure of shooting with SoBelle and will all have sets coming your way! I have one image I can spoil you guys with and it's from the work SoBelle and I did. I need to find some of Trebble and Dalmasca, they are adorable. I could die. geez! Teehe
Things have been nuts lately. I needed to update my blog. Though I don't remember anything ever! Like I said pardon my forgetfulness. I hope you guys get a kick out of my randomness and ranting. I find people think I'm hilarious. Which you should
Just wish I had more photos for you guys. And/or a better cellular device because mine sucks balls! BJGAGFLENFENRQ I'm done, I promise.
I hope to run into some lovely faces at comiccon! Just in California in general! Catch me on the streets and say hello, don't be shy. I may be at first though, just a forewarning. Teehe I can definitely be shy, believe it or not my friends. I am also very awkward....I tend to talk about stuff most people don't. Like I don't really talk about myself. These blogs are about as far as I go. I would much rather hear you first then hear me first. And thats the real honest truth. Now go get your ComicCon outfits ready, dry cleaned, sown, whatever you so happen to be doing! I WILL SEE YOU ALL VERY SOON

spoiler spoiler! I'm out of control peeps.
much love to SoBelle!
also, we have a ton of hopefuls out there. They are all beautiful and have amazing personalities. Check IG and the Member review section here on the site. Lets get women like Trebble and Dalmasca PINK! We can do it people!
For some reason, as of lately. I have this strange feeling that when I'm sleeping or doing anything that I am going to get killed. Especially when I'm alone in the dark. I sound like the largest pussy on the planet right now, but again I do not give a shit. Because I really feel this way! I am really on my toes about everything! I even sleep with a giant blade under my pillow sometimes.....this isn't okay guys. I know. I'll get over it I'm sure. But serouslllyyyyyy I don't know what the fuck is going on with me lately. I am a smoker, but when I'm stoned watching Disney movies and random shit like that, I'm not paranoid at all. So it can't be the weed. Never blame the weed. Or I would never blame the weed at least. Teehe.
Now that I'm done with my rant about my phone and paranoia.... here is life. In words because I lost all my photos and videos and my new photo will also hardly load the camera. Geez, my technology life is so sad. Feel free to laugh and be amused at my misfortunes. At least you guys will have a smile on your face! I mean, I'm all smiles don't get me wrong but dang y'all. Waohh is me.
Before I go getting distracted and shit. My California trip is only a WEEK away! I will be in some of you guys hood from Juy 12th-24th. LA July 12th-18th. San Diego for COMICCON July 19th-21st, probably stay the extra days until I have to fly back to Chicago out of LAX. I hate flying, but this trip is going to be amazing! I am really looking forward to seeing ladies I have met, and to meet other lovely SuicideGirls! I don't get to chat with anybody on IG anymore, but get at me herreeeee! My buddies who play in Intronaut have offered to put me up when I'm in LA. But I also have the option of staying with my aunt over in Burbank, pretty sure that is where she is. Pardon my forgetfulness. It's real bad. Being apart of all of this is going to be suppppperrrrr real. So ready for it.
By the way, shout out to my buddies insignis and sonicsculptor!!! Insignis has a brilliant idea about the drawing one of his good friends did of me.(It's beautiful and I am in love with it) Check out his blog and you will see what I mean! Sonicsculptor, man can you make some awesome hemp jewelry! I can't take the bracelet off! I received the package the day my phone got stolen, too. It made my day! For every bad person there is a good. Might I say you are great! Much love to you guys and everyone who supports this little lady! It means a great deal! I have been going through all the first messages I ever received here on SG, all the way back to November. They brighten my smile! So much sweetness, it drives me nuts. Also so many sexual thoughts, but that's okay! I really don't mind guys. It comes with everything on the site, not like I wasn't prepared for it. Bawahahah you all are sweet, funny, and have quite the imagination. I can also assure all of you, that I exist. I am a real person walking the streets of Chicago. I love those messages, stressing how cool it is that I'm real. I can't stress to you guys how awesome it is that you are real! So keep it real my friends. Real sweet, real funny, real dirty. Either way, it's all in good fun and I enjoy every note from every single one of you!
To brass tax people! My mind is a mine field! Blowing up every which way!
Sooooo if you guys know, Trebble and Dalmasca are a couple of real sweet hearts! Fucking hilarious for one, and for two. NEED TO GO PINK! Like what the hell, it drives me insane! We all had the pleasure of shooting with SoBelle and will all have sets coming your way! I have one image I can spoil you guys with and it's from the work SoBelle and I did. I need to find some of Trebble and Dalmasca, they are adorable. I could die. geez! Teehe
Things have been nuts lately. I needed to update my blog. Though I don't remember anything ever! Like I said pardon my forgetfulness. I hope you guys get a kick out of my randomness and ranting. I find people think I'm hilarious. Which you should

I hope to run into some lovely faces at comiccon! Just in California in general! Catch me on the streets and say hello, don't be shy. I may be at first though, just a forewarning. Teehe I can definitely be shy, believe it or not my friends. I am also very awkward....I tend to talk about stuff most people don't. Like I don't really talk about myself. These blogs are about as far as I go. I would much rather hear you first then hear me first. And thats the real honest truth. Now go get your ComicCon outfits ready, dry cleaned, sown, whatever you so happen to be doing! I WILL SEE YOU ALL VERY SOON


spoiler spoiler! I'm out of control peeps.

also, we have a ton of hopefuls out there. They are all beautiful and have amazing personalities. Check IG and the Member review section here on the site. Lets get women like Trebble and Dalmasca PINK! We can do it people!
I have a biiiiiiiig crush on you!
I wanna go...