Hello everyone! How are we doing? I hope just as good as I! 

First things first, keep an eye on the front page people! There are BUNCHES of hopefuls in member review. I was once one, we are all here for support. Now go give some! Pretty please....? Hey thanks!
I always try to change the link on my page to different hopefuls and other suicidegirls. So much hotness, I'm mildly sweating, ow oww!
In other news.....
So, the end of January is right around the corner, and I'm thinking about taking a little vacation. A few places come to mind, but it will be hard to choose where. I know for sure I need to go see some old pal's in Memphis. I keep getting calls from a really close friend, he's probably the nicest person I've ever known. Super serious about that one, too. It's got me thinking I'm a little over due to see everyone down south. That's one thing I am really looking forward to! But that's only one of many!
Another thing I can scratch off my list of things to do, is quit my job. Which, was done last Friday. Unfortunately, I have a little health issue that keeps my left leg in a bit of pain. Nothing I like dealing with, but it just had to happen this way I guess. Anyone heard of lymphedema? Well it blows, big big dick. Serving is out of the question. Even though I sometimes can enjoy the job. The conversation between new customers, and people enjoying me as much as I enjoy them. Being a server does also such though, don't get it twisted.
I have been told that it needs to end if I plan on having a leg in the future. Wouldn't that suck to hear.....yeah, it really did. Other than my leg issues though, things are peachy on this girls end of the rope. And the rope just keeps coming, and coming. All I say is "bring it ooonnnnn."( deep man voice) yes, I did just yell like a grown ass man. In my head I did....crap, does that make me insane?! I hope so
Edgar Allan Poe may have been dark, but I am in love with his darkness.
I am happy guys, I hope you all are as well. Now before I forget....who's ready for more Auburn Suicide? Regardless, here is a little sneak peak to my up coming photo set! Hitting member review in March! Got to shoot with the lovely Alissa!!! She's so funny and a sweet heart. I'm very happy to have meet her! Along with Frolic and Radeo!(You guys are so nice and fun!!) Okay, enough of me being a spaz.
Oh oh!!! The wonderful staff here sent me gifts, yaaaay!

Fun with Frolic and the Museum of Science and Industry!
forgot I snapped this! I have no skills..... -.-
picture vomit in 5...4...3..2..
this little dude made it out! More fun at the museum with Alissa, Dimples, Frolic, and Radeo!
Midnight stroll through the hood. Don't mind me.
my cat is human, swear.
Guitar Hero, I'm lame, you don't have to tell me. I like to sing terribly and jam out. Sorry I'm not sorry.
CTA facts, you caught my eye.
Thanks Cheesecake Factory, I'm in a food coma now...
I giggled.
it's the tiny gifts that count! I thought this was super cool.
I'll stop here so now. I wish everyone a great rest of the week! Don't forget how much cooler you are than me! Now smile.<3
Until next time loves!
xxoo Auburn
p.p.s. I want a hedgehog so bad.

First things first, keep an eye on the front page people! There are BUNCHES of hopefuls in member review. I was once one, we are all here for support. Now go give some! Pretty please....? Hey thanks!

In other news.....
So, the end of January is right around the corner, and I'm thinking about taking a little vacation. A few places come to mind, but it will be hard to choose where. I know for sure I need to go see some old pal's in Memphis. I keep getting calls from a really close friend, he's probably the nicest person I've ever known. Super serious about that one, too. It's got me thinking I'm a little over due to see everyone down south. That's one thing I am really looking forward to! But that's only one of many!
Another thing I can scratch off my list of things to do, is quit my job. Which, was done last Friday. Unfortunately, I have a little health issue that keeps my left leg in a bit of pain. Nothing I like dealing with, but it just had to happen this way I guess. Anyone heard of lymphedema? Well it blows, big big dick. Serving is out of the question. Even though I sometimes can enjoy the job. The conversation between new customers, and people enjoying me as much as I enjoy them. Being a server does also such though, don't get it twisted.

Edgar Allan Poe may have been dark, but I am in love with his darkness.
I am happy guys, I hope you all are as well. Now before I forget....who's ready for more Auburn Suicide? Regardless, here is a little sneak peak to my up coming photo set! Hitting member review in March! Got to shoot with the lovely Alissa!!! She's so funny and a sweet heart. I'm very happy to have meet her! Along with Frolic and Radeo!(You guys are so nice and fun!!) Okay, enough of me being a spaz.

Oh oh!!! The wonderful staff here sent me gifts, yaaaay!

Fun with Frolic and the Museum of Science and Industry!

forgot I snapped this! I have no skills..... -.-
picture vomit in 5...4...3..2..

this little dude made it out! More fun at the museum with Alissa, Dimples, Frolic, and Radeo!

Midnight stroll through the hood. Don't mind me.

my cat is human, swear.

Guitar Hero, I'm lame, you don't have to tell me. I like to sing terribly and jam out. Sorry I'm not sorry.

CTA facts, you caught my eye.

Thanks Cheesecake Factory, I'm in a food coma now...

I giggled.

it's the tiny gifts that count! I thought this was super cool.
I'll stop here so now. I wish everyone a great rest of the week! Don't forget how much cooler you are than me! Now smile.<3

Until next time loves!
xxoo Auburn

p.p.s. I want a hedgehog so bad.
Can you please check my new set on SuicideBoys Group?
I need your support