just saw Jonny Craig perform in a small club in Sydney and OH MY GOD he's just amazing ! that voice ! I'm so impressed and so excited that I got to see him AND score a photo
happy Aubrey !!
Time to go home and get some sleep before my job interview tomorrow !!
Night babies x

And here's a pic of me and the babe I had lunch with today

Time to go home and get some sleep before my job interview tomorrow !!
Night babies x

And here's a pic of me and the babe I had lunch with today

Jonny Craig! One of my mates down in sydney was going to see him last night or tonight I can't remember which haha. Have you ever been on t.v or anything? you look so familiar
Doppelganger maybe, unless you have a long lost twin that you haven't seen since birth haha
I guess you can be world famous without even trying, everyone just thinks they know you.