Good news: It's above freezing today!
Also, I'm making homemade apple butter

Also, I'm making homemade apple butter
its not freezing here either.
Yeah thats what I felt. And everyone I talked to. It's like she couldnt take anything else from me, couldnt have a girl, so took the name. Its very sick. But she it deffinately no longer a friend of mine!
thank you sweetie!
and Apple butter sounds delicious!!!

Exciting News: My husband and I celebrated our our 2-year wedding anniversary on Tuesday, 23 October 2012.
I have an appointment on 15 November to get my birth control out. We are going to try to have a baby!
We are so excited. He wants to have a girl, but I don't care either way.
I'm nervous though. I just keep thinking of all the...
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I have an appointment on 15 November to get my birth control out. We are going to try to have a baby!

We are so excited. He wants to have a girl, but I don't care either way.

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Yes. I'm having wine before noon.
That's not completely terrible, is it?
That's not completely terrible, is it?
I had planned on waiting a year for it to drop down to $20 on Xbox but then a website had it discounted plus threw in a coupon so I got it for thirty-something bucks on PC and I couldn't resist. Even if it is the same game but prettier I think it will be worth it. I actually kind of hope it is the same game but prettier.
What did you do today?
did some welding...finished a job up early and spent billable time in my truck watching a movie. came home and chilled out with the house's new kitten and made dinner. Listened to music.
I'll be going to Columbia in NYC. It's a long haul from Texas up there and I just don't know if I should take the bike with me or try to come back for it in the Spring....have to find a place to chain it up and keep it safe all winter if I take it earlier. decisions decisions....
I'll be going to Columbia in NYC. It's a long haul from Texas up there and I just don't know if I should take the bike with me or try to come back for it in the Spring....have to find a place to chain it up and keep it safe all winter if I take it earlier. decisions decisions....
I cleaned and cleaned! How about you?
World of Warcraft anybody? I just started playing again. Yesterday was my first day back since 2008.
o.O i just quit.... get out while you can haha! try GW2? 

The good news is that my hubby got a job! Not just any job, he's now working as the manager at a veterinary office here in town!
I've always wanted to be a vet and he gets to see cute doggies and kitties all day.
This couldn't have come at a better time because we...
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The good news is that my hubby got a job! Not just any job, he's now working as the manager at a veterinary office here in town!
I've always wanted to be a vet and he gets to see cute doggies and kitties all day.
This couldn't have come at a better time because we...
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Haha great picture. And such a cutie to.
Apparently, my friend Joe said I dance like the girl at the end of this video!
I took that as a compliment!
I took that as a compliment!
thank you, darling n.n
Follow me on instagram : Rockzillah 

I really need to start journaling more. I have an idea book (my moleskine) that I carry around with me everywhere to jot down my "fantastic ideas" that I always have. It's mostly filled with songs I like, a few tattoo ideas, and some dreams and observations, but I need more than that. I am a creative writer, maybe not a good one, but that's...
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Super cute! The one on the right looks like my girl when she was a pup. 

Sleeping munchkins