auf. my legs feel like they're dangling in pieces. awesome dawning; my socks are soaked through. whoooooooooooo!
methinks the dancing bit is coming back to me much better. legs ached even before the dawning, but they held up fine through many songs. music selection was great. my choice of clothing... eh, poor, but i liked it anyway: have this thrift-store multi-layered hankerchief skirt that's much too big for me, so i make it into a workable skirt/bell-legged-pants combo by tucking the skirt into the band of a pair of pants to keep it snug and up. the end effect is vaguely... russian? and cool-looking, i think, but it makes for many layers, and many layers make for much heat. plus, the skirt pooched a bit in the front after dancing a bit, and frontal skirt poochage makes it look like the stomach is pooching. o, vanity.
i gotta force myself to actually alter the skirt sometime, which will be a pain in the ass but definitely worth it - the thing swooshes lovely when dancing.
what with having monday off, we may even be able to make it out to sacrosanct. must request fischerspooner.
other little good things that i haven't mentioned yet:
***having a caterpillar around is grand. the first time i found a caterpillar directly resulted in the first time i'd ever really thought about the smell of oak leaves for any length of time. they smell positively delicious, and i want to eat them. but we refrain.
***this past week i have visited the vending machine a few times, and they have taken the big kats all away. have they been discontinued, or replaced? there's some kind of crappy peanut brittle bar where they used to be. looks more healthy than tasty, like the nutragrain bars they have one row up. stuff like that has no place in a vending machine! they have taken from us our milky ways, and our three musketeers and now our most beloved big kats. the good news, though, is that this past week twix bars were stocked in two different rows, and the D2 twix bars cost only 55 cents, as opposed to E12's usual 75! woot. some of the 55 cent twix bars seemed to be a bit smashed, but twix bars bleeding caramel taste the same as healthy, whole ones. the cookie was intact, and so we happily saved ourselves 40 cents (two different twix bars, two different days). sweet!
***you are familiar with kettle corn? is a sweet kind of popcorn. have derived a new recipe, much more wholesome than hot-chocolate-flavored-oatmeal: take a plain bagel, cut in two, and spread each half with butter or margerine (your choice), and sprinkle brown sugar generously on top. then put the bagel in the oven at 450 for a few minutes. voila - kettle bagel! the brown sugar does a nifty kind of carmelizing thing, but it isn't enough to feel blatantly unhealthy, just very happy indeed. also does not leave one painfully sugar-high (as hot-chocolate-flavored-oatmeal is wont to do). it is tasty indeed.
and, random thought:
have been spending some time in pet stores lately, and i can't help but wonder: if i, among a wide sampling of humans, was to wind up in an alien pet store, would i quickly get picked out to be the newest member of some alien family or would i languish among the stock? so far as i figure it - i have no particularly intriguing coloring or markings, though you can see my veins through much of my skin and that's kind of cool. i'm also fairly active, and larger than most females. and i get really excited at feeding time, as my coworkers have figured out. i'm also pretty quiet, though... i probably wouldn't show as being particularly social in the pet store, though i might be rambunctious in my own solitary way.
it's an odd thing to think about. my conclusion: i'd make a solid choice, though i've got nothing on the birthmarked and tattooed and red-headed and super dark or tall or fat or petite for pure showiness. but once picked... who knows, i might identify with the aliens more and become like one of those dogs or cats that everybody says "thinks its human."
ah yes, i walk funny. that might help also, actually. and my penchant for taking my food apart before i eat is would likely prove entertaining in such a context as well.
so yeah, weird thought for the day: what are your unusual physical or behavioral qualities that might get you picked out from the alien pet store?
methinks the dancing bit is coming back to me much better. legs ached even before the dawning, but they held up fine through many songs. music selection was great. my choice of clothing... eh, poor, but i liked it anyway: have this thrift-store multi-layered hankerchief skirt that's much too big for me, so i make it into a workable skirt/bell-legged-pants combo by tucking the skirt into the band of a pair of pants to keep it snug and up. the end effect is vaguely... russian? and cool-looking, i think, but it makes for many layers, and many layers make for much heat. plus, the skirt pooched a bit in the front after dancing a bit, and frontal skirt poochage makes it look like the stomach is pooching. o, vanity.

what with having monday off, we may even be able to make it out to sacrosanct. must request fischerspooner.
other little good things that i haven't mentioned yet:
***having a caterpillar around is grand. the first time i found a caterpillar directly resulted in the first time i'd ever really thought about the smell of oak leaves for any length of time. they smell positively delicious, and i want to eat them. but we refrain.
***this past week i have visited the vending machine a few times, and they have taken the big kats all away. have they been discontinued, or replaced? there's some kind of crappy peanut brittle bar where they used to be. looks more healthy than tasty, like the nutragrain bars they have one row up. stuff like that has no place in a vending machine! they have taken from us our milky ways, and our three musketeers and now our most beloved big kats. the good news, though, is that this past week twix bars were stocked in two different rows, and the D2 twix bars cost only 55 cents, as opposed to E12's usual 75! woot. some of the 55 cent twix bars seemed to be a bit smashed, but twix bars bleeding caramel taste the same as healthy, whole ones. the cookie was intact, and so we happily saved ourselves 40 cents (two different twix bars, two different days). sweet!
***you are familiar with kettle corn? is a sweet kind of popcorn. have derived a new recipe, much more wholesome than hot-chocolate-flavored-oatmeal: take a plain bagel, cut in two, and spread each half with butter or margerine (your choice), and sprinkle brown sugar generously on top. then put the bagel in the oven at 450 for a few minutes. voila - kettle bagel! the brown sugar does a nifty kind of carmelizing thing, but it isn't enough to feel blatantly unhealthy, just very happy indeed. also does not leave one painfully sugar-high (as hot-chocolate-flavored-oatmeal is wont to do). it is tasty indeed.
and, random thought:
have been spending some time in pet stores lately, and i can't help but wonder: if i, among a wide sampling of humans, was to wind up in an alien pet store, would i quickly get picked out to be the newest member of some alien family or would i languish among the stock? so far as i figure it - i have no particularly intriguing coloring or markings, though you can see my veins through much of my skin and that's kind of cool. i'm also fairly active, and larger than most females. and i get really excited at feeding time, as my coworkers have figured out. i'm also pretty quiet, though... i probably wouldn't show as being particularly social in the pet store, though i might be rambunctious in my own solitary way.
it's an odd thing to think about. my conclusion: i'd make a solid choice, though i've got nothing on the birthmarked and tattooed and red-headed and super dark or tall or fat or petite for pure showiness. but once picked... who knows, i might identify with the aliens more and become like one of those dogs or cats that everybody says "thinks its human."
ah yes, i walk funny. that might help also, actually. and my penchant for taking my food apart before i eat is would likely prove entertaining in such a context as well.
so yeah, weird thought for the day: what are your unusual physical or behavioral qualities that might get you picked out from the alien pet store?

Im sure I would be one of those alien pets that Talked. My alien masters would have company over and make me bark or growl out words that sound like their language. Everyone would gurgle and laugh and say Muaaaatrecc Koosllllllp*
(* How precious Translated from Beta-9-ese ED)