So the other night (thursday), my fiancee is at work (waitress in a pool hall).. I work 9-6,so I have to sleep at night.. slept a while,woke up at about 1 am and decided I'd like to stay up until she gets home. Well, around 4:30, I figured she must have gone out for breakfast and decide to crawl into bed... I hear my phone ring and it's her.. she sounds weird...
anyway.. a regular at her work has not shown up in a week or two.. All the waitresses decide to go check on him, as he lives in the same small ap't complex as the manager... anyway... my fiancee manages to look through the catflap when he doesn't answer the door and finds him dead.
So, I went over there..the police and the Medical examiner were there, but no one could leave until Homicide got there to give the scene a once over... I brought some Jack in the Box and Donuts and we all sat around and finally got to leave....
He was an older guy, had a severe alcohol problem and depression as well....I met the guy once. He was a really good-hearted person.. turns out he committed suicide.. shitload of pills and booze....
This all happened a few days after i celebrated (in a rather subdued manner haha) two years of sobriety. I really think that if I hadn't got my shit together I would have been dead by now, whether by suicide or some kind of accident...
Amanda (my fiancee) is pretty sad.. at her work, they all went out of their way to show this guy some affection and that they cared... they threw him a party on his birthday, etc......
Seems I only write inthis thing when someone dies... what an odd, morbid little slice of life I must present here....
I guess it's a good outlet....
On the plus side, wrapping up a project at work.. it's weird when ONLY working 40 hours a week seems like a vacation... and speaking of vacations-- going to Daytona Beach for 10 days starting this Friday... Fiancee's annual family get together/reunion.. should be interesting..........
anyway.. a regular at her work has not shown up in a week or two.. All the waitresses decide to go check on him, as he lives in the same small ap't complex as the manager... anyway... my fiancee manages to look through the catflap when he doesn't answer the door and finds him dead.
So, I went over there..the police and the Medical examiner were there, but no one could leave until Homicide got there to give the scene a once over... I brought some Jack in the Box and Donuts and we all sat around and finally got to leave....
He was an older guy, had a severe alcohol problem and depression as well....I met the guy once. He was a really good-hearted person.. turns out he committed suicide.. shitload of pills and booze....
This all happened a few days after i celebrated (in a rather subdued manner haha) two years of sobriety. I really think that if I hadn't got my shit together I would have been dead by now, whether by suicide or some kind of accident...
Amanda (my fiancee) is pretty sad.. at her work, they all went out of their way to show this guy some affection and that they cared... they threw him a party on his birthday, etc......
Seems I only write inthis thing when someone dies... what an odd, morbid little slice of life I must present here....
I guess it's a good outlet....
On the plus side, wrapping up a project at work.. it's weird when ONLY working 40 hours a week seems like a vacation... and speaking of vacations-- going to Daytona Beach for 10 days starting this Friday... Fiancee's annual family get together/reunion.. should be interesting..........
Have fun at the reunion... my boyfriend's parents' wedding anniversary party was last weekend, it was pretty bizarre. I suppose it's different when it's your fiancee, because they're going to be your family soon, but still, it's always a wierd sort of situation, hanging out with a family that isn't yours yet kind of is, eh?