ugh a week in Cincinnatti for work.
thank god i am home..
jesus christ
it was 1200$ to fly direct to Cincinnatti
BUT it was only 340$ to fly to Louisville... so.. the plan was to fly into Louisville, rent a car, and drive down to Cincinnati..OK.. well it turns out we had to go through Cincinatti for the connecting flight to Louisville.. and actually on the SAME PLANE that was 1200$ if you just took it there.. WTF???? But, if we had chosen to blow off the Louisville flight and just bail in Cincinnati-- we would lose our return reservations... it all makes no sense and I hate Flyin'... found out flying was actually rather pleasant compared to riding in the rental car with my co-worker driving.. YIKES
Got there and I had a huge suite to myself... kitchen, dining area, 2 bedrooms, living room, and a balcony looking out on the Public library... ended up putting in about 8 hours work in the recording studio every day.. and about 8-12 hours work every night preparing scripts to be recorded for the next day...
Had some decent grub.... No offense to anyone from Cincinnati.. but are there ANY good looking people there? IF so.. I sure didn't see 'em... While i was there.. got an email that a friend of mine had died... I knew ol' Greg about 18-19 years.. . no details... the next night got info that his parents were being really tight-lipped about things and all they woudlsay is that he died from "an accident involving a gun" ... sounds like denial to me... Greg wasn't a gun kinda guy and probably would not have been around one unless he intended a very specific purpose for it... all I can surmise is that he killed himself... sucks. I couldn't make it back for the funeral..
thank god i am home..
jesus christ
it was 1200$ to fly direct to Cincinnatti
BUT it was only 340$ to fly to Louisville... so.. the plan was to fly into Louisville, rent a car, and drive down to Cincinnati..OK.. well it turns out we had to go through Cincinatti for the connecting flight to Louisville.. and actually on the SAME PLANE that was 1200$ if you just took it there.. WTF???? But, if we had chosen to blow off the Louisville flight and just bail in Cincinnati-- we would lose our return reservations... it all makes no sense and I hate Flyin'... found out flying was actually rather pleasant compared to riding in the rental car with my co-worker driving.. YIKES
Got there and I had a huge suite to myself... kitchen, dining area, 2 bedrooms, living room, and a balcony looking out on the Public library... ended up putting in about 8 hours work in the recording studio every day.. and about 8-12 hours work every night preparing scripts to be recorded for the next day...
Had some decent grub.... No offense to anyone from Cincinnati.. but are there ANY good looking people there? IF so.. I sure didn't see 'em... While i was there.. got an email that a friend of mine had died... I knew ol' Greg about 18-19 years.. . no details... the next night got info that his parents were being really tight-lipped about things and all they woudlsay is that he died from "an accident involving a gun" ... sounds like denial to me... Greg wasn't a gun kinda guy and probably would not have been around one unless he intended a very specific purpose for it... all I can surmise is that he killed himself... sucks. I couldn't make it back for the funeral..
OH! sorry and as for who he is, Hey, how about that Austin guy catching the baseball or whatever? He (my bf) was going nuts over that b/c he knew that guy back home.
pmsl = piss my self laughing