Just found out my friend Kimmy died.
She apparently had some sort of seizure; fell and hit her head.
Bye bye Beautiful... the world's a little uglier without your smile.........
Very pleased. Found out today that I have a 3 day weekend! Yay!
Would have been easier to plan for it or something if I knew ahead of time, but oh well... i don't really plan for stuff anyway.
Well, I am hitting this point of seriously questioning a lot of things. Much of what I thought was solid in my life has crumbled lately, and I am starting to really, really question the worth of my "chosen" profession. I make videogames for a living. Every fanboy's dream job, right?? Yeah... so anyway I think this has been building for a few years now...
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Feeling much the same way. I'll let you know if I make any damn headway wink
well, it's friday.
going to First Friday in Raleigh tonight
It stopped raining this afternoon
\may be a nice night
probably still kinda cold.
oh well
man I hate mondays
today was an awful one.
I have to meet some people around here and find some stuff to do
having trouble adapting to being on my own
Adapting to a new way of life is one thing (still taking me some time), but to do it in a new locale is even tougher. You're having to adapt to a number of variables at once.

Remember what that big-grin dog of yours used to say, "If you can't eat it or fuck it, piss on it."
Good luck, bruddah. Keep the faith.
hope all is well homie
Well, the week kinda flew by. I guess that's good. I dunno.
I don't think I like saturdays so much these days. Too much me time.
Makes me loco. I mean, of course, the dogs are here, but.....
I don't know what to do in this town.
Well, the week is off to a rollicking start. Long day at work, followed by dinner at the nearby home of some good friends (which was delicious btw) . Sore as hell from going to the gym yesterday. Sashimi for lunch today, back in the gym for lunch tomorrow. Impending instability at work has me a little worried. That is really not something I need...
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yee haw.
too nasty outside to get out of the house tonight.
Freaking out about being alone

Lat night was ok, though. went to Durham with a friend
Went to see The Wigg Report play at Ujaama Boardhouse Skateshop in Durham, Was a little art show there, too. Then went to the Green Room for a few, lotta people playing...
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Funny, and delicious. Still laughing at using a truck as a mortar. But wait, when do I wrap?
Ah. Step 5 threw me. Thanks.
another friday.
all right.
well, it is supposed to start snowing sometime between now and lunch tomorrow and they are talking 3-4 inches of it here.
may not be much for some of y'all, but my ass grew up in Texas and this sort of thing just doesn't happen there.
I am a bit concerned, as I cannot see any way in which having snow...
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NC now, eh? And you have snow? Inland a bit, I guess.
Probably a crazy story in there. Those seem to be going around.
Oh yeah; that steak recipe? Thanks. Sounds effin' awesome.
ok missed a couple days
not much to report
cooked dinner for some friends sunday
seared a couple flatiron steaks, pulled em off the stove and topped with a mixture of fresh sage, fresh basil, fresh oregano, pine nuts, smoked black pepper, olive oil and gorgonzola
wrapped them up in smoked prosciutto and baked until done
served sauteed asparagus in a horseradish buttercream sauce on...
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im doing better. im still drinking, but cutting myself off and staying away from the bar. and im taking the beer outta the fridge at night so im not tempted to drink as soon as i wake up. its a couple baby steps but its working. thanks. hope all is well with you.

Hot Damn! It's friday. About time, too.

So ... here we go-- confession time.
Since my wife and I separated as of Jan 1, I have gone on a bit of a spending spree and I need to put it down in writing, to remind myself to stop.
Purchase I can remember making:
1. XBox 360
2. 3 Games for Xbox 360
3. SG Reactivation...
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Well, I am back. It's been a couple years. Last journal was all about my little run in with Lyme Diease.
Still in NC
Switched jobs, wife left me about a week ago.

confused and maybe a little crazy but trying.


Sorry to hear about the wife, but the two of you dared to give it a shot, and that's probably what counts most.

Not much consolation, I know, but still, it's something.

I got you added to the group, btw. Hope you will drop a post and see if we can stir up some action.