WheN Is thE laSt Time i poStEd? I been DpreSSd and iR macks it HERD to get oUT o BEd.
in other news, I bought a brazillian six toed sloth, and he's going to be blogging for me, as seen above.
um, what else. definite feelings of sinking, or maybe just not rising quickly enough.
oh, heres something. this cartoon is old, like 2004, but i could never think of a great punchline.
have fun making this drawing funny. your entry might WIN! you can even color it, if youre a really intense person.
in other news, I bought a brazillian six toed sloth, and he's going to be blogging for me, as seen above.
um, what else. definite feelings of sinking, or maybe just not rising quickly enough.
oh, heres something. this cartoon is old, like 2004, but i could never think of a great punchline.
have fun making this drawing funny. your entry might WIN! you can even color it, if youre a really intense person.