so little time. we're running out of time here. im almost 32.
theres going to be no time to create a zen based governement.
no time to study robotics.
no time to bilk the Right To Life movement out of thousands of dollars in exchange for a propaganda pinball game based on keeping a zygote in a womans uterus (called Put Baby In A Corner, or alternately, Wacky Womb Woblers)
no time to ghostwrite an entire album for Weird Al Yankovik.
at least im free. free as a bird, or a mangy dog who hasnt eaten in a couple of days.
sigh. back to craigslist.
theres going to be no time to create a zen based governement.
no time to study robotics.
no time to bilk the Right To Life movement out of thousands of dollars in exchange for a propaganda pinball game based on keeping a zygote in a womans uterus (called Put Baby In A Corner, or alternately, Wacky Womb Woblers)
no time to ghostwrite an entire album for Weird Al Yankovik.
at least im free. free as a bird, or a mangy dog who hasnt eaten in a couple of days.
sigh. back to craigslist.
[Edited on Mar 01, 2006 2:15AM]