Damn....been almost a year but I'm back!!! Alot going on and alot changing....twists and turns of life I suppose. anways...good to be back
Damn, been a while since I updated this thing. Well, I flew my sister into town and spent the weekend with her. That was fucking AWESOME!! I haven't seen her in a while and it was a much needed vacation for her. A chance to get away from her husband and 2 kids in the middle of nowhere in Michigan. Fuck that. We had a...
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Well it's Thursday. That's pretty much it. Not a whole lot going on except work as usual. 2 weeks till my sister comes out here to see me...I can't fucking wait!!! I missed her birthday by a week in January so to make up for it I bought her a plane ticket out here to see me. She's stuck in that black hole called Michigan,...
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SGLBC open event: Ad Infinitum Magazine Show
I wish I had exciting news. ummm...let's see. OH!!! I got a bunch of bills in the mail today!!! wait.... that's not very exciting....... AAHHHAA....I've got it. I get to be at work at 6am and spend ALL day there being Easter and all..... No, no...that won't work either. laundry? sucks. Well, I guess that's as exciting as it gets for today, we'll see what...
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thank you for the birthday wishes

i think pink is just something you're gonna have to get used to, dear. 

Ever jolt out of a dead sleep and a very in depth dream and think that you're late for something? I woke up at 4am and thought I was late for work. I jumped up, ran around and got my clothes together, realizing that it's dark but not having it register and headed for the door. I opened the door and saw it was still...
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that giant bunny eating a pink bear in del taco tattoo sounds like the best idea EVER! i support it.
QUEENS OF THE TSONE AGE!!! new album. It rocks!

ahhh... it's my friday and I don't know what to do with my days off. It's kinda sad that you always look foreward to the weekends until you work in a restaurant. Now I look foreward to Mondays. TGIM. I never thought that I'd dread the weekends....funny how things turn out. I wish I had a dog, as random as that is.
hi, hope your next 'friday' is more eventful!
i hear you on the restaurant thing- TRUST ME!! my Friday is Wed. - dumb for both of us!!
you had me on the floor with "the guy with his heart in his mouth"
i always thought that was sticking a tongue out at somebody but your theory is WAY BETTER!! heehee
kinda funny you sid stay away from
its actually eerie ... i have an estranged uncle who's a walking lethal weapon AND is obsessed by pirates (or pyrates as he ikes to spell it) ... since my aunt died - the fam is a little worried he's going to surface
and as for wanting a dog - thats not random at all!!! dogs are the BEST ...personally i always wanted a monkey but my weiner dogs my baby - so i'm over it
Have a fanfuckingtastic day

you had me on the floor with "the guy with his heart in his mouth"

kinda funny you sid stay away from

and as for wanting a dog - thats not random at all!!! dogs are the BEST ...personally i always wanted a monkey but my weiner dogs my baby - so i'm over it

Have a fanfuckingtastic day

Ahhhh....another late night at work. What a long fucking day. I had to get up at 7:30 to go to court to pay a hellacious ticket but I lazied out and got an extension. The majority of the day was spent at work where I had to be there at 2:30 for a meeting that had nothing to do with me and then work from...
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Well, I knew there was something that would offset my good fortune....I forgot that I have to go to court tomorrow for a $400 speeding ticket. Hopefully the judge will drop it down for me....not holding my breath though. Well, another St. Patty's day not drunk...I feel cheated. Someday I'll properly celebrate one and hate tomorrow. Oh well. On the bright side, I get to...
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Good Luck with the court thing!!
(breakin' the law breakin' the law!!!!) FUCK THE MAN!!
just preten like its St. paddys Day when you get home from court - its good to be different!!!
(breakin' the law breakin' the law!!!!) FUCK THE MAN!!

just preten like its St. paddys Day when you get home from court - its good to be different!!!

Whoa!! Very Cool!!
we just responded to each others journals at the same time ... at this fucking hour...??? hahahaha ...i needed that chuckle!! i hear ya on the too late? too early? thing!!!
think im gonna crash here pretty soon....
Nitey Nite!!
PS that was cool!!!
[Edited on Mar 19, 2005 4:27AM]
we just responded to each others journals at the same time ... at this fucking hour...??? hahahaha ...i needed that chuckle!! i hear ya on the too late? too early? thing!!!

think im gonna crash here pretty soon....
Nitey Nite!!

PS that was cool!!!

[Edited on Mar 19, 2005 4:27AM]
Another fucking GREAT day. I got a promotion, a raise, won a shitload of money at the tables and found out that I'm moving from Pedro to Long Beach into a condo right by the water!! Well, that's the upside so I wonder what the inevitable offsetting downside will be....
wow congrats
i tried to add you and my computer fucked up and i ended up cancelling your request
Sorry!! so i sent YOU an add this time
have a great day sweetie!!

Sorry!! so i sent YOU an add this time

have a great day sweetie!!

uh oh...I just found out that they're doing a LIVE Family Guy thing at the Wiltern here in LA. Everone's going to be doing one of the shows, Seth Green and all those other geniuses......is that how you spell that? geniuses...geniuses....genius'...i don't know.....i quit.

im turning 24 in 2 days.. nyar....

Today was fucking awesome!! I don't think I could have asked for anything more.....
damn, been a while since i've been on. pretty interesting day today. had a man get on my roof at work and try to kill himself, or threaten to anyways. He sat right above the entrance doors and cut his wrists with a knife. He was going kind of crazy and sawing into his wrists but the knife must not have been too sharp. He...
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