not LUCKY just a girl with a degree, a student loan to pay off and a working holiday visa!
I don't speak japanese no. I tried to study while there but there are too many English speakers.. and everyone wants to practice with you.. and it's hectic and you find the circles of English to start with out of necesity and then it's just your friends... sigh...
I can get around, I can speak taxi, restaurant, general plesantries and dojo japanese.... sigh..
You don't need to be rich... you are a native english speaker they pay pretty good. Mind you the exchange rate isn't what it was but for living there you'd do ok.
you are young yet.. I went there when I was 24. No reason you can't go over and do a year... working holiday visas can be obtained if you have a degree and are under 27.
Hrm...I think my last comment was slightly misconstrued. I meant, I'd like to see a picture of you (which was in no way meant to imply with your new bra...I'd not be so bold as that...) but rather a function of your liking of video games and other things that, well, interest me as well.
My apologies on not being clearer, and for having bad timing, hehe.