Almost the weekend.... kind of. So this week I got put on a really random detail.
I was going to work like normal when they told me I was to report to the dining facility and do headcount. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, "headcount" is pretty much how it sounds. I count people that come into eat. Pretty boring.. BUT I only work for like 4 hours a day and I get a lot of breaks which means Atti gets to nap his ass off.
I have to work through the weekend though... it sucks but oh well. I can gladly work a couple of hours this weekend.
In other news... I've had a lot of time to sit and think about my current situation. Trying to figure out what I want to do. The option of going back to school and gaining my commission to be an officer is proving to be a lot of steps... steps and a lot of money. My university wants a lot of money that they think I owe them.. which isn't true. Thousands of dollars that I do not have right now.. it would take months to pay off. I know that I don't have months... I put all my motivation into this option and its falling through. I've buried my feelings since last month and whenever anyone asks me how I'm doing I always reply with "good" even though its not the case. When I went to my unit and asked for a psych evaluation, I was pushed to the side and forgotten about. Even after asking three times....
Why should I put faith in them? or trust them when they don't care...
I still break down in private.. without anyone seeing because I don't want to embarrass myself... I don't have time to see the social worker either because I don't feel comfortable going to my doctor's appointments. People in my unit always look at me like I'm always gone or sick... I don't feel comfortable. It sucks...
Anyways.. sorry about that...
On a lighter note.. here's my music post of the day... this band (Bell X1) is amazing. I've listened to them for years and now I shall share them with you all
Night loves
I was going to work like normal when they told me I was to report to the dining facility and do headcount. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, "headcount" is pretty much how it sounds. I count people that come into eat. Pretty boring.. BUT I only work for like 4 hours a day and I get a lot of breaks which means Atti gets to nap his ass off.
I have to work through the weekend though... it sucks but oh well. I can gladly work a couple of hours this weekend.
In other news... I've had a lot of time to sit and think about my current situation. Trying to figure out what I want to do. The option of going back to school and gaining my commission to be an officer is proving to be a lot of steps... steps and a lot of money. My university wants a lot of money that they think I owe them.. which isn't true. Thousands of dollars that I do not have right now.. it would take months to pay off. I know that I don't have months... I put all my motivation into this option and its falling through. I've buried my feelings since last month and whenever anyone asks me how I'm doing I always reply with "good" even though its not the case. When I went to my unit and asked for a psych evaluation, I was pushed to the side and forgotten about. Even after asking three times....
Why should I put faith in them? or trust them when they don't care...
I still break down in private.. without anyone seeing because I don't want to embarrass myself... I don't have time to see the social worker either because I don't feel comfortable going to my doctor's appointments. People in my unit always look at me like I'm always gone or sick... I don't feel comfortable. It sucks...
Anyways.. sorry about that...
On a lighter note.. here's my music post of the day... this band (Bell X1) is amazing. I've listened to them for years and now I shall share them with you all
Night loves
elo poppet! yesss! im back in SG land been busy with daily set
aswell ...your taste in music is equivalent to a connosieur's taste in wine...dude........your situaton...what a pickle man :/ and it sucks when you very much on your own in shitty times like these..but look at all this support here! once you hit tock bottom there's only one way to go...youll rock it in sa we say "strongs"..strength x