So the four day weekend is fast approaching and I have zero plans. I don't have the money nor time to fly home for it so that is out. I plan to stay in Augusta and just get a hotel for three nights. Problem is I just paid bills for the month and it has left me with next to nothing. Hotels are filing up fast and there are some nice places left to stay but I will not get paid until thursday night/ friday morning. I don't want to get stuck on post because I need to get away and relax. Korea and my breakup have stressed me out and pushed my mental stability quite a bit. I hope there are still hotels open for the weekend on friday because otherwise its going to be mental breakdown time
What a shit way to start off the week.
What a shit way to start off the week.
*hugs* sorry your week isnt turning out better
I really hope things work out so that you have a good weekend. You definitely deserve it after what has been going on ♥