now playing- The Distillers: Young Crazed Peeling
i just had to write this entry again cus my computer crashed
i wont be as emo today, im feeling better, so dont worry
im not feeling as homesick as i was the other day. im just guna have to accept being here, and make it easier for myself. ill always be homesick. until i get home. its not that i dont like the UK, its just i reaaally like HK.
does anyone else hate sundays? i used to hate them when i was little, cus school was always the next day, and i hated school, ever since then it's just stuck
im not sure why.
yesterday we went on the biketrials ride into leeds. there was only 6 of due to rain in the morning forcing people to pull out (booooooo). even tho it was such a small group we had madd fun. we hit up the university (and didn't get thrown off once!), the playhouse, all around town. nadine got muchos admiration from passers buy cus i dont think they've ever seen a girl do that. at one point we were messing around near the nice art gallery place, and there was a bus stopped at the lights. literally everyone on the bus was watching, it was hilarious
my arms are so tired today tho
we were out for like 6/7 hours
today was boring. i just dont like sundays. i filled out more applications, and printed a few CVs. OOH and i got myself a Gmail account. i know its old news but i wanted one, and now i have one! WOO!
i got real organised today, my bedroom is spotless, and i made lots of 'TO DO' lists. it feels so much better aswell!
i have to get up early tomoro to get to leeds at a decent time. handing in more applications and CVs. i must purchase more red licorice too cus i literally just ate my last piece.
thats my fuckin' sunday picture
hope everyone's weekends have been great

i just had to write this entry again cus my computer crashed

i wont be as emo today, im feeling better, so dont worry

im not feeling as homesick as i was the other day. im just guna have to accept being here, and make it easier for myself. ill always be homesick. until i get home. its not that i dont like the UK, its just i reaaally like HK.
does anyone else hate sundays? i used to hate them when i was little, cus school was always the next day, and i hated school, ever since then it's just stuck

yesterday we went on the biketrials ride into leeds. there was only 6 of due to rain in the morning forcing people to pull out (booooooo). even tho it was such a small group we had madd fun. we hit up the university (and didn't get thrown off once!), the playhouse, all around town. nadine got muchos admiration from passers buy cus i dont think they've ever seen a girl do that. at one point we were messing around near the nice art gallery place, and there was a bus stopped at the lights. literally everyone on the bus was watching, it was hilarious

today was boring. i just dont like sundays. i filled out more applications, and printed a few CVs. OOH and i got myself a Gmail account. i know its old news but i wanted one, and now i have one! WOO!

i have to get up early tomoro to get to leeds at a decent time. handing in more applications and CVs. i must purchase more red licorice too cus i literally just ate my last piece.

thats my fuckin' sunday picture

hope everyone's weekends have been great

hope all is well!
and yeah sundays are a pain... they're ok sometimes. but i dont really like it.