*now playing- Deftones: Headup
foh sho'
well i rang up the computer dudes n told them to get their shit together, well not really, i told them to sort it out.. they told me part of my orer was out of stock so i just cancelled that part n its all arriving tomoro a.m.. finally!
no word from mensa.
no word from the biketrial dudes either.
i really think i need a good night out. i havent had one in soo long. and i think i need a holiday too. i havent been away since christmas, n that was only back to hong kong. i have so many air miles from that. anyone wanna go on holiday with me?!
i really wanna go to london again. i went recently but the visit was hindered by a certain girl's need to shop. do any southerners know if they sell bubble tea in chinatown?
that stuff is gooood
driving lesson tomoro... vrrrrmmmmm
anyway thats all i gotta say.. hope everyones cool..
foh sho'
well i rang up the computer dudes n told them to get their shit together, well not really, i told them to sort it out.. they told me part of my orer was out of stock so i just cancelled that part n its all arriving tomoro a.m.. finally!
no word from mensa.
no word from the biketrial dudes either.
i really think i need a good night out. i havent had one in soo long. and i think i need a holiday too. i havent been away since christmas, n that was only back to hong kong. i have so many air miles from that. anyone wanna go on holiday with me?!

i really wanna go to london again. i went recently but the visit was hindered by a certain girl's need to shop. do any southerners know if they sell bubble tea in chinatown?

that stuff is gooood

driving lesson tomoro... vrrrrmmmmm
anyway thats all i gotta say.. hope everyones cool..

Woo life-trading! I wouldn't mind living in the UK for a bit.
But when I do...