*now playing- Cream: Strange Brew
how is everyone today?
i am so sick of computers. mine is guna cost me another 200 quid to get repaired (i think thats like US$300-350).
it needs a new motherboard, memory, processor etc etc.. why does everything cost so much damn money?? on the other hand i have bought a nice new tower case
ooh ive decided to get a new tattoo for definite this week. i really want old english lettering across my chest like under my collar bones. but i dont know wat word to have. anyone got any suggestions?? and i think im guna get my wings finished off aswell. altho i still dont know wat to get in between them. maybe roman numerals for 1983 down my spine..
not much else to report, im so tired

how is everyone today?
i am so sick of computers. mine is guna cost me another 200 quid to get repaired (i think thats like US$300-350).

ooh ive decided to get a new tattoo for definite this week. i really want old english lettering across my chest like under my collar bones. but i dont know wat word to have. anyone got any suggestions?? and i think im guna get my wings finished off aswell. altho i still dont know wat to get in between them. maybe roman numerals for 1983 down my spine..

not much else to report, im so tired


I have all different types of work.. A lot of tribal ..mixed with other designs..
Like my left arm sleeve..has 8 different artists work
So its a mix of tribal designs, mechanical designs..and a whole bunch..its pretty cool..
I'll take pics one of these days