*now playing- The Libertines: Can't Stand Me Now
hey hey hey
i am writing this while nursing a rather bad hangover, which has lasted me all day.
stayed over at my friends house last night. her parents were away so it was barbecue time (again). There was only a few of us there, but we drank ourselves into oblivion. we ended up sitting in the garage at 4am tellin fuckin ghost stories in the dark
then nobody wanted to sleep on their own, so i had to share a double bed with 2 girls (lindsay n angie), which wasnt so bad seeing as theyre damn pretty, but it was the summer heat n i had to sleep in the middle. i think i woke up with my arms round lindsay (either that, or it was a dream. i was v. v. drunk). but shhh my girl doesnt need to know.
anyway peeps, oli needs to rest his head
hey hey hey
i am writing this while nursing a rather bad hangover, which has lasted me all day.

stayed over at my friends house last night. her parents were away so it was barbecue time (again). There was only a few of us there, but we drank ourselves into oblivion. we ended up sitting in the garage at 4am tellin fuckin ghost stories in the dark

anyway peeps, oli needs to rest his head

and you're right Borat is absolutely the funniest damn thing on tv
and thanks for ur couch, u rock.