*now playing- Bright Eyes- Bowl of Oranges
I realised something today. On a sunday the ENTIRE WORLD goes to ikea. me n my mum went there today to get some stuff, n it was just waaay too busy. people walk around lookin like zombies and/or like they've never seen a fucking desk before. and why can't people control there children?! i nearly ran over about 5 kids with my damn trolley.
well i got some cool stuff anyway so its all good
went to a bbq today again, expecting a small event, in the end about 30 ppl turned up n was a little overwhelming.. good food all the same.
why do mirrors make rooms look so much bigger?
oreo cookie barz are the shit

I realised something today. On a sunday the ENTIRE WORLD goes to ikea. me n my mum went there today to get some stuff, n it was just waaay too busy. people walk around lookin like zombies and/or like they've never seen a fucking desk before. and why can't people control there children?! i nearly ran over about 5 kids with my damn trolley.

well i got some cool stuff anyway so its all good

went to a bbq today again, expecting a small event, in the end about 30 ppl turned up n was a little overwhelming.. good food all the same.
why do mirrors make rooms look so much bigger?
oreo cookie barz are the shit

And theres always a million people at ikea...It really sucks