*now playing- PJ Harvey: This is Love
hey dudes, today was a better day. had my second driving lesson today, and this time i didnt nearly die ruling the road..! in fact, i only messed up once when i stalled at a crazy ass junction, but it was ok i learnt from my mistake
it was so much easier this time, n i drove for pretty much a whole hour!
then it was time to go to the poolside bbq. the weather was the best for it. The house we went to was HUUUGE, n it belongs to Lady Melchett who was there. altho, i did think everyone was a little posh it was kinda cool they all seemed pretty chilled.. dont think they approved of my tattoos tho
also, everyone should check out hot hot heat, they rock.
finally, you should also check out my friend danny's video. they are truly awesome. gravity does not apply to them.
hey dudes, today was a better day. had my second driving lesson today, and this time i didnt nearly die ruling the road..! in fact, i only messed up once when i stalled at a crazy ass junction, but it was ok i learnt from my mistake

then it was time to go to the poolside bbq. the weather was the best for it. The house we went to was HUUUGE, n it belongs to Lady Melchett who was there. altho, i did think everyone was a little posh it was kinda cool they all seemed pretty chilled.. dont think they approved of my tattoos tho

also, everyone should check out hot hot heat, they rock.
finally, you should also check out my friend danny's video. they are truly awesome. gravity does not apply to them.

and driving is great fun.. i just got my licence about a month ago.... my car really grrrrs along, and i play RAWK music loudly.. why not..
oh.. listened to the keane album.... its ok.. bend and break is the best on it.. so i'll take back one of my last comments!