*now playing- Cream: Sunshine of your Love
yo dudes
another un-eventful day. woke up to a rejection letter from harvey nichols (departement store) who said they wont be hiring me, cus they want someone with more experience. how am i supposed to get experience if no-one will let me GET experienced!! grrr
then, i rang up my doc n he told me i have to go for more treatment at the hospital for a back problem on tuesday. which sucks more
THEN, i went out shoppin to get my girl a good birthday present n found out that the ghd hair straighteners that she wants are having real problems with health and safety, so i couldnt get them due to the fact they are now like gold-dust. and about the same price.
hopefully tomoro will be better, seein as im going out to rule the road again n then to a poolside bbq.. time for a steak n a swim hehe
yo dudes

another un-eventful day. woke up to a rejection letter from harvey nichols (departement store) who said they wont be hiring me, cus they want someone with more experience. how am i supposed to get experience if no-one will let me GET experienced!! grrr

then, i rang up my doc n he told me i have to go for more treatment at the hospital for a back problem on tuesday. which sucks more

THEN, i went out shoppin to get my girl a good birthday present n found out that the ghd hair straighteners that she wants are having real problems with health and safety, so i couldnt get them due to the fact they are now like gold-dust. and about the same price.
hopefully tomoro will be better, seein as im going out to rule the road again n then to a poolside bbq.. time for a steak n a swim hehe

and thanks ill have fun cooking as i try, and thanks for liking my profile pic!
Have fun at the bbq though!