hello every one i have some bad news i saw my dog get hit by a car this morning as i was walking to the store so i spent the morning burring my 8 month old puppy her name was kitty and she was such a great dog im gonna miss her for a very long time that was my bitch and i loved her...
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im sorry to hear that

oh boooo. that sucks!! 

wow sorry its been so long ive had a hell of a last few weeks i found out my dad isnt dead after 20 years and i have a 21 and a 16 year old sisters and my dad wants me to come to utah and take over his company like whoa holly shit what the fuck
come to akron tonight big free metal show at annabells on w exchange close to skron u come have some fun with me lots of bands and its the best bar in akron the shows are allways free
Hope you had a good time.
four hours and five caps of ink and my back is almost done ill have pics up soon and i have my first mma fight on friday im so fucking pumped ill get a video up as soon as i can

can't wait to see new tatts!
Howdy, Thankyou so much for the add! xo
what a great day got to chill with rachell last night she make me smile like a kid in the fireworks store and monday is 420 yippy she is gonna come oven were both off work so were gonna get high as fuck
so ive met a girl she is the most amzing girl ive ever met she smart sexy tatted and kinda goth every thing ive ever wanted in a girl and i cant get her out of my mind she is the last thing i think about at night and the first thing i think of when i wake up its only been three weeks so...
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Thanks for the friend request love!!!! Good luck with the fight!!! And as far as the girl.... just take it one day at a time..... Love is tricky and no one knonws what tomorrow holds... just enjoy the time you get to spend with her... ( Yes, I'm a cheese ball!!)

Hey thanks bunch for the comment on my set "Capnomancy". and many more to come!!
Zuraih xoxo
Zuraih xoxo

wow i havent posted in a while last week was crazy i was kinda busy but here is the skinny one of my best friends came in to town he has spent the last 10 years hitch hicking at first i was happy to see him then being around him mad me sad i think he is getting that wet brain thing from drinking the...
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I'm on Darrowmere.
I hate my life.
I want my life.
I want to die but I can't cry.
It hurts to live.
I have no pride.
My life sucks.
I have no luck.
My life is fucked up.
I want to cut.
No body sees the pain I hide.
Yes I do lie but this is not a lie.
I have no fear inside but I hope...
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The darkest night
Deepest slumber
All you fear
But can't encumber
Haunts me
In this nightmare world
Blended hate
And loathing swirled
Dreams are dripping
Down the mind
The one you lost
And cannot find
You know not how
To leave this place
Trapped inside
Sleep's sweet embrace
Voices screaming
Doors are locked
Windows barred
Light is blocked
Creatures creeping
Hungry growls
In the distance...
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thank you hun for the add <3
In these caves I've dwelled for long
The lust for blood keeps me strong
Fly at dusk, land at dawn
Evil and darkness I bring upon
It makes no difference in my eyes
If I slay for right or wrong
Selfinflicted are their cries
In the graveyards they belong
Once blessed with life, now with death
I decide to kill them all
Without them evil...
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