Much love to those who are suffering right now in Lousiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and all those who have been displaced by this disaster. Much love to the families of those who have died, especially the multitudes who didn't have to die.
For the Republicans - who could have prevented the worst part of this disaster if they had taken some of the millions of dollars they spent in Iraq, or even the massive amounts of money they spent building bridges that noone will ever drive in Alaska, and directed it toward flood control in New Orleans instead - and for George Bush, who played his fucking guitar while people died by the thousands, I have nothing but eternal hatred.
This country will not be right until George Bush and every last one of his cronies is removed from office by any means necessary. Hopefully after the midterm elections, we'll have a Democratic controlled Congress who will take the initiative to impeach and remove him from office for the thousands of counts of criminally negligent homicide he has committed. Like somebody else said, where's Lee Harvey Oswald when you really need him?
For the Republicans - who could have prevented the worst part of this disaster if they had taken some of the millions of dollars they spent in Iraq, or even the massive amounts of money they spent building bridges that noone will ever drive in Alaska, and directed it toward flood control in New Orleans instead - and for George Bush, who played his fucking guitar while people died by the thousands, I have nothing but eternal hatred.
This country will not be right until George Bush and every last one of his cronies is removed from office by any means necessary. Hopefully after the midterm elections, we'll have a Democratic controlled Congress who will take the initiative to impeach and remove him from office for the thousands of counts of criminally negligent homicide he has committed. Like somebody else said, where's Lee Harvey Oswald when you really need him?

Bush has a helluva lot to answer for, true, but so does the mayor of Nola. Leaving those 100 buses empty, rather than using them to evacuate the poor has me seeing red just as much.
Hope you're coping with the tragedy all right, Brother. I'm off to figure out how to get my gear to Inverness, Florida and me, with only a shovelhead available, to do a whoricane benefit.