Unintentionally Disturbing Album Covers, Vol. I
Zip Zap Crap!
So white, they're almost invisible!
I'm not sure about the Spanish text in this ambiguously gay album cover, but I think it says "Tino, for those who like their twinks cute and submissive."
Much more overtly gay than the last cover, this album answers the burning question, "What if Boston had been an all-gay band full of guys who liked hanging around naked with each other?" Yeah, I'll bet they're "feelin' satisfied"...
Like the Partridge Family, but with really bad haircuts
While Julie appreciated her uncle John's generosity, she wasn't sure how she felt about the gift he gave her for her birthday: a certificate good for "One free ride on the John Bult Lovemobile."
A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, another jug of wine, a few shots of Jack Daniels, a blindfold over the eyes, and thou
Few people are aware of the fact that, prior to his days in CSNY, David Crosby got his start in this Progressive Mormon quartet. Interesting fact: all three of the men in this picture are married to the woman seated in front of them. And to each other.
Recently found at the Vatican gift shop
(via Stone)

Zip Zap Crap!

So white, they're almost invisible!

I'm not sure about the Spanish text in this ambiguously gay album cover, but I think it says "Tino, for those who like their twinks cute and submissive."

Much more overtly gay than the last cover, this album answers the burning question, "What if Boston had been an all-gay band full of guys who liked hanging around naked with each other?" Yeah, I'll bet they're "feelin' satisfied"...

Like the Partridge Family, but with really bad haircuts

While Julie appreciated her uncle John's generosity, she wasn't sure how she felt about the gift he gave her for her birthday: a certificate good for "One free ride on the John Bult Lovemobile."

A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, another jug of wine, a few shots of Jack Daniels, a blindfold over the eyes, and thou

Few people are aware of the fact that, prior to his days in CSNY, David Crosby got his start in this Progressive Mormon quartet. Interesting fact: all three of the men in this picture are married to the woman seated in front of them. And to each other.

Recently found at the Vatican gift shop
(via Stone)
The 12 Top Hits one is very similar to a concert poster my friend Ed got at a Grateful Dead show in Philadelphia. It had a similar pictue with the caption "No Silly Dancing." One of the guards let him take it after the show.
Well gotta go watch more of a new 6-disk DVD set of Dylan through the years I just got. (I'm on Renaldo & Clara outtakes now).
Personally, I think bonobos will be in charge someday.