Well, I didn't get the job.
So much for me having more free time any time soon... It would have been a really cool job, too - working in the compliance department of the Big XII Conference, with a nice pay raise to boot. Oh well, I'm sure some menial position as a worker drone for a huge multinational corporation will come along eventually. 

anyways, when I used to interviewed three years ago, I lost a lot of jobs that I really wanted but at then end I ended in a company that I enjoy so far , so chins up there are always better jobs out there ... you'll get the next one ...
Big XII, is that college football ?
This one second: You are headed for a promotion in bed.
WIsh you could come to the SG party this friday. Its in Arlington!
Hang in there, I'm sure you'll get something going soon.
I shaved that day so I wondered what everyone prefers. I've never tried the landing strip. How does a girl do that? he he