Sorry I had to disappear for a few days, everyone. I had to go to Paris, TX this weekend (not to be confused with Paris, France, which has culture and a certain joie de vivre - Paris, Texas has cultured yogurt and a lady named Joy waits tables at the Kountry Kitchen). My aunt's husband (this would be my slightly unhinged Pentecostal aunt, who thinks my gay nephew is afflicted with demons) had a heart attack Friday.
He's been sick for a while now, and has been battling Leukemia for a couple of years now, so he's really in bad shape at the moment. I feel really bad for my aunt, because she's pretty neurotic to begin with, and she's not exactly at the top of her health either. I fear that the stress from all this could tip her over the edge, and that she might not live much longer than my uncle.
Anyway, my uncle has been transferred to a hospital here in Dallas, so at least he and my aunt will be here in town. They are going to do open heart surgery on him tomorrow, which is going to be pretty dicey considering his health. There's a chance that he might not survive the surgery, but they've said that if he doesn't have it he probably won't live much longer so I guess it's worth the risk.
Seeing him and what he's going through has been really hard for me. I'm not really that close to him or my aunt, though they are family and I do care for them. But it does make me think about what my mother went through a few years ago before she died, so I'm reliving some really bad memories at the moment. And nobody should have to go through that, though far too many of us do. It's stuff like this that just cinches it for me that there's no such thing as a personal god, because I don't see how any supposedly just and loving god who has the power to prevent things like this from happening to people and their families would choose not to do so. So yeah, fuck religion - I'm placing my faith in Mother Science.
I'll probably be in and out for the immediate future, so if I'm not around to say so, much love to you all.

Anyway, my uncle has been transferred to a hospital here in Dallas, so at least he and my aunt will be here in town. They are going to do open heart surgery on him tomorrow, which is going to be pretty dicey considering his health. There's a chance that he might not survive the surgery, but they've said that if he doesn't have it he probably won't live much longer so I guess it's worth the risk.

Seeing him and what he's going through has been really hard for me. I'm not really that close to him or my aunt, though they are family and I do care for them. But it does make me think about what my mother went through a few years ago before she died, so I'm reliving some really bad memories at the moment. And nobody should have to go through that, though far too many of us do. It's stuff like this that just cinches it for me that there's no such thing as a personal god, because I don't see how any supposedly just and loving god who has the power to prevent things like this from happening to people and their families would choose not to do so. So yeah, fuck religion - I'm placing my faith in Mother Science.
I'll probably be in and out for the immediate future, so if I'm not around to say so, much love to you all.

think good thaughts. my gramps has has two double-b's and he'll bury us all.
so try and keep positive, bro.
'joie de vivre'....BWAHAHAHAHHA