Well, I survived the removal of my wisdom teeth. In fact, I think I came through with flying colors! Observations thus far:
* The surgery itself, believe it or not, was the most enjoyable part of the ordeal to date. I first had some sort of tube-thing put on my nose, which calmed me down a bit because I was really keyed up. Then I had the IV inserted. Already by then, I was indifferent to what was going on, which was probably just as well because the anesthesiologist had a hell of a time getting the IV in.
(Side note: guess I won't be becoming a heroin addict anytime soon. Don't have the veins for it, apparently...) Once the drug-guy injected me with whatever the hell it was he injected me with (and it was some good shit, let me tell you), I could have been beaten to death and I wouldn't have cared. The surgery itself was like watching a program on Tivo fast-forwarded - little snippets of action here and there, and I would occasionally hear a little dialogue. I did feel a little pain - I remember one tooth coming out, because he got really forceful with it - but I didn't care. It was wonderful.
* After the surgery, I was wheeled out in a wheelchair, drivn back to me dad's house, and slept a few hours. I was up and moving around relatively quickly, and I've been doing really well. Positives: no real pain to speak of since the surgery, and no really bad swelling. Negatives: I haven't gotten to use any of the Vicodin yet, because I've had no need for it.
And the absence of teeth in the back of my mouth has been disconcerting, especially when I have the gauze out. The jaw feels really weird, and the steroids that I have been taking to keep the swelling to a minimum have been working, but they are also making me really anxious. Which is not pleasant. But I'm hitting balls farther, so there's that.
Oh, and no solid foods or brushing of teeth for a while.
* My dad makes some really, really good mashed potatoes. Or maybe I was just that hungry. Or both. My diet thus far has consisted of mashed taters, ice cream, pudding, more ice cream, oatmeal, and, yes, you guessed it, ice cream. And the occasional gauze. And lots of blood.
* Does anyone know what the street value of Vicodin is?
*** For any DEA agents visiting this thread, that was a joke. No, really...
* The surgery itself, believe it or not, was the most enjoyable part of the ordeal to date. I first had some sort of tube-thing put on my nose, which calmed me down a bit because I was really keyed up. Then I had the IV inserted. Already by then, I was indifferent to what was going on, which was probably just as well because the anesthesiologist had a hell of a time getting the IV in.

* After the surgery, I was wheeled out in a wheelchair, drivn back to me dad's house, and slept a few hours. I was up and moving around relatively quickly, and I've been doing really well. Positives: no real pain to speak of since the surgery, and no really bad swelling. Negatives: I haven't gotten to use any of the Vicodin yet, because I've had no need for it.

* My dad makes some really, really good mashed potatoes. Or maybe I was just that hungry. Or both. My diet thus far has consisted of mashed taters, ice cream, pudding, more ice cream, oatmeal, and, yes, you guessed it, ice cream. And the occasional gauze. And lots of blood.

* Does anyone know what the street value of Vicodin is?

*** For any DEA agents visiting this thread, that was a joke. No, really...
I'm glad to hear the surgery went well.