More fun in the neighborhood today. My roommate and I went to a neighborhood meeting earlier today a few houses down from where we live. What provoked the meeting was an incident last night during which the people who were hosting the meeting had a few stray bullets fly through the front wall of their house, after their "neighbors" (read: resident gang members) across the street decided to host a shootout. In all, about 40 bullets went flying, most of them into the house across the street, but a few managed to hit these people's home. Needless to say, they were freaked. So they decided to get everyone in the neighborhood together and host a meeting to form a neighborhood watch.
What's really fucked up about all of this is what they told us about the escalation of crime in the area. According to these folks, there have been 4 incidents like this in our immediate vicinity in the past month, and this was the second this week.
I heard both of the recent ones, and didn't think much of it because our next-door neighbors are, shall we say, rather festive, and they are always fucking around with fireworks and stuff. Well, that's what I thought, anyway - now I'm not so sure. Anyway, apparently the house that got shot up really bad last night, and another a couple of blocks over, are occupied by (rival?) gangs. So yeah, I'm a little freaked out at the moment. I knew this wasn't necessarily a great neighborhood when I moved in, but I wasn't prepared for anything like this.
So how was your Saturday?
What's really fucked up about all of this is what they told us about the escalation of crime in the area. According to these folks, there have been 4 incidents like this in our immediate vicinity in the past month, and this was the second this week.

So how was your Saturday?
Thats because America rocks and cops don't give a shit. And sorry hon, but do you think having a resident watch group is going to take guns out of their hands? Johnny Law is what needs to be done, but oh we don't want anything bad to happen. Violence keeps on, people are too afraid of reprecussions then oh no someone dies and whos fault is that? Life is funny and life sucks.
Thank you for your compliments once again.
I tried to write nice unicorn pretty stuff. My mind just doesn't work that way. My title for myself is Misses Gloom Doom.
Bowling tonight, please come out of your hermit infistation.