Well, it's been a few days since I last posted, so I guess I should probably come up with something to let you all know I'm still alive down here, and still appreciate your moral support. The last few days have been really odd, and I've felt somewhat disconnected from the world around me. I don't really handle death well, especially when it's someone I care about who has died, so I guess it's to be expected. I haven't heard from my family in the last few days and haven't really been seeking them out for info, so no news on the investigation.
On a positive note, my roommate has had the dogs out of the house for the last week. Not having to dodge stinky piles in the morning is refreshing in a way that I just can't articulate in words.
And I'm still damned good looking. That has to count for something, right?
On a positive note, my roommate has had the dogs out of the house for the last week. Not having to dodge stinky piles in the morning is refreshing in a way that I just can't articulate in words.

everythings supposed to be bigger in texas.
happy v-day
mines like a glade can. you gotta shake before use. also it gets most use in the bathroom.