Things I Hate, Volume III:
11) War. No matter how just the cause, war is always unredeemably evil. It may occasionally be a necessary evil, unlike the war our country is currently bogged down in, but it is always evil, because it takes people like Wolfmoon98 away from their families and friends forever. Much love to him for making the ultimate sacrifice, and to his loved ones who are grieving right now. And also to those in SGland and elsewhere who are over there fighting right now. I hate this war with all my heart, but have nothing but respect for all of you.
12) Drive-by whining. And on a related note, to Mike, who felt it necessary to stop by my journal and tell me that I "spend to much time hating (sic)," sorry for not stopping by your journal and returning the love as you apparently have me blocked or something. Why you felt the need to make such a remark to someone you were about to put on ignore is beyond me. In any event, I have to disagree with you - I spend only enough time to hate the things that deserve my hate, and no more. Unlike your friends in the right wing, I don't hate gay people for being gay, and I don't hate Muslims for being Muslims. And unlike you, apparently, I don't support institutionalized hate with my vote, because I don't vote for Republicans. If I come off as being hateful, I guess it's because I live in a state where I'm surrounded constantly by right-wing bigots. Maybe some of their endless supply of hate has rubbed off on me, I don't know.
13) Maxim, the magazine for men who are too timid for Playboy.
11) War. No matter how just the cause, war is always unredeemably evil. It may occasionally be a necessary evil, unlike the war our country is currently bogged down in, but it is always evil, because it takes people like Wolfmoon98 away from their families and friends forever. Much love to him for making the ultimate sacrifice, and to his loved ones who are grieving right now. And also to those in SGland and elsewhere who are over there fighting right now. I hate this war with all my heart, but have nothing but respect for all of you.
12) Drive-by whining. And on a related note, to Mike, who felt it necessary to stop by my journal and tell me that I "spend to much time hating (sic)," sorry for not stopping by your journal and returning the love as you apparently have me blocked or something. Why you felt the need to make such a remark to someone you were about to put on ignore is beyond me. In any event, I have to disagree with you - I spend only enough time to hate the things that deserve my hate, and no more. Unlike your friends in the right wing, I don't hate gay people for being gay, and I don't hate Muslims for being Muslims. And unlike you, apparently, I don't support institutionalized hate with my vote, because I don't vote for Republicans. If I come off as being hateful, I guess it's because I live in a state where I'm surrounded constantly by right-wing bigots. Maybe some of their endless supply of hate has rubbed off on me, I don't know.
13) Maxim, the magazine for men who are too timid for Playboy.
wagners wife...heh. that made me laugh.