Well, the election has been over with for close to two weeks, and while I still hate the outcome, I am at least heartened by the fact that the initial cries of "Canada, here I come" have been replaced by an honest desire to understand why we lost this election and gear up for 2006 and 2008. And the post-election hubris of the Republicans is leading them to escalate their stupidity and dig their own graves even deeper. I predict that 2006 will see Democratic gains in both houses of Congress, and 2008 will see us nominate a better candidate and benefit from the aftermath of another disastrous term for Bush. Who knows, by then we might have a Democratic president, and majorities in both houses to work with. Hey, a monkey can dream, can't he?

Not a monkey from Texas...shouldn't them Texas born boys have burned you by now?
Thanks. Sadly, I think it's appropriate now too.