Well, it's been two months, so I guess I better update this thing...
I have been up to my armpits at work in Patriot Act paperwork these days, putting in about 60 hours a week on average for a while now. 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Ugh. It's exhausting, but the pay is welcome. What's amazing to me is that if we just made a few simple, sensible changes in the way we do things, we would be massively more productive and my job would be much less stressful. Like, I don't know, hiring a fucking receptionist?
I (and the rest of my department) spend several hours a day on the phone taking calls for another department, which I can't do anything with but take a message because I'm not trained in their responsibilities, listening to people scream about being kept on hold and bounced around from phone to phone. Very stressful, and probably the worst environment I've ever had to work in. And I used to work in a heart clinic, for Christ's sake! A heart clinic with six employees, one of whom was a receptionist. It just amazes me that a multi-billion dollar multinational corporation will dole out overtime like crazy, but they won't invest in one low-paid temp to answer the damn phones. (screams) Okay, I feel better now...
So anyway, that's been my life for the last two months. In other news, I've been listening to a lot of 50's/early 60's music lately. Do I lose punk points for admitting that I like Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons?

So anyway, that's been my life for the last two months. In other news, I've been listening to a lot of 50's/early 60's music lately. Do I lose punk points for admitting that I like Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons?

Have you seen this thread?:
Was this an SG member's premonition?