Went to Shreveport this weekend with my brother. Gambled. Lost about $400. Cried.
I left Shreveport smelling like cigarette smoke and desperation. Oh well, at least I got to hang out with my brother for a while, so something good came out of it. After not speaking to each other for about a decade or so, it's cool that we're starting to get close again.
While I was visiting with my brother, we watched a couple of movies that I had been wanting to see but hadn't had a chance to yet. "Dark Water" was pretty good. Not really scary or even all that creepy, but I liked it. The ending was really sad. Also watched "Saw." Ouch.
An awesome movie that I felt kind of uncomfortable with myself for enjoying.
Speaking of movies, if you haven't seen "Munich" yet, you should. You've probably heard a lot of right-wing cranks with axes to gring bitching about the movie because it supposedly portrays the terrorists in a positive light, but that's not the case at all. He shows them as human beings, but he hardly goes out of his way to make them sympathetic and is very graphic in showing what they did to the Israeli athletes. Overall, I think he does an excellent job in dealing with a very complicated topic. He even managed to suppress his "happy ending" compulsion in this film, which, sadly, is more than I can say for "AI."
Work is sucking extra hard this week.
But I get a 3-day weekend, thanks to Martin Luther King and the fact that I work for a brokerage and the markets are closed Monday. I have a dream that I will be sleeping in on Monday! It is a dream deeply rooted in the fact that I am really tired! Sleep at last, sleep at last, thank god almighty I'll get sleep at last!
Okay, that was silly...

While I was visiting with my brother, we watched a couple of movies that I had been wanting to see but hadn't had a chance to yet. "Dark Water" was pretty good. Not really scary or even all that creepy, but I liked it. The ending was really sad. Also watched "Saw." Ouch.

Speaking of movies, if you haven't seen "Munich" yet, you should. You've probably heard a lot of right-wing cranks with axes to gring bitching about the movie because it supposedly portrays the terrorists in a positive light, but that's not the case at all. He shows them as human beings, but he hardly goes out of his way to make them sympathetic and is very graphic in showing what they did to the Israeli athletes. Overall, I think he does an excellent job in dealing with a very complicated topic. He even managed to suppress his "happy ending" compulsion in this film, which, sadly, is more than I can say for "AI."
Work is sucking extra hard this week.

Okay, that was silly...

I started to play poker now but haven't had any luck winning but I enjoyed the mental part of the game, playing all the probabilities in my head ...
good thing for you and your brother ...